Necklace Day 16

“Hello, Jeanne!”

Her friend looked mystified (/ˈmɪstɪfʌɪ/困惑的), addressed (称呼) by a poorly-dressed (穿着破旧的) stranger: She had not recognized Madame Loisel.

“I'm afraid you've made a mistake. Sorry, but I don't know you, ”she said.

“Jeanne! It's me—Mathilde Loisel.”

Madame Forestier uttered (/ ˈʌtə/ 发出) a cry of surprise.

“Oh, my poor Mathild ! What's happened to you? You're quite a stranger!”

“Yes, I've had a very hard time since then—and all through (因为) you!”

“Through me! How can that be?”

“You remember the diamond necklace I borrowed from you to attend the dance at the Education Office?”

“Yes, Well ?”

“Well, I lost it. ”

“What makes you say so? You returned it to me.”

“What I returned to you was another one, exactly like it. And for the last ten years my husband and I have been working hard to pay for it. You know, it is hard for us poor people to pay thirty-six thousand francs. But don't worry! It's all over now. We've paid it in full (全部地).”

Madame Forestier stopped short (突然地).

“You say that you lost my necklace and bought a diamond necklace like mine to replace it?”

“Yes. You've never noticed it, then! They were exactly alike.”

Madame Forestier, deeply moved (/muːvd/ 感动的), seized both her hands.

“Oh, my poor Mathilde! What have you done? Why, mine was only imitation (/ɪmɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ 仿制的), not genuine (真的)!


A poorly-dressed stranger。一个穿着破旧的陌生人。 其中poorly-dressed是由一个“副词-动词过去分词”合在一起构成的一个形容词。这样的形容词构成在英语里很常见:


1. A newly-built library

2. A well-educated young man

3. A democratically-elected president

4. A well-known actor

5. A well-equipped house


Did Madame Forestier recognize Mathilde Loisel?

A. Yes.

B. No

C. Not given

Did Madame Forestier know that her own necklace was replaced by an extraordinarily similar one before she met Mathilde Loisel?

      A. Yes

      B. No

      C. Not given

Did Mathilde Loisel know that Madame Forestier’s necklace was not genuine at present?

      A. Yes

      B. No

      C. Not given


A newly-built library

A well-educated young man

A democratically-elected president

A well-known actor

A well-equipped house





4.A newly-built library


A well-educated young man


A democratically-elected president


A well-known actor


A well-equipped house



B.Madame Forestier did not recognize Mathilde Loisel.

B. Madame Forestier did not know that her own necklace was replaced by an extraordinarily similar one before she met Mathilde Loisel.

A. Mathilde Loisel knew that Madame Forestier’s necklace was not genuine at present.






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