
选译自stackoverflow 原文链接http://stackoverflow.com/questions/406760/whats-your-most-controversial-programming-opinion

1. Programmers who don't code in their spare time for fun will never become as good as those that do.


2.The only "best practice" you should be using all the time is "Use Your Brain". 


3.If you only know one language, no matter how well you know it, you're not a great programmer. 


4.Readability is the most important aspect of your code. 


5.Every time you consider writing a debug printout, consider writing a unit-test instead. ( or turn int into logging statement)


6.Design patterns fail because people make the arrogant mistake of equating idioms in their insular little language fiefdoms with grand ontologies that describe and explain the Universe.


 7.Perfection is attained not when you have nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.


  8.Writing the tests first does force you to think differently about your API, which can arguably make you code better. If you don't know what tests to write, then you don't know what code to write either.


9.Write small methods.




