【航海之星】10个桨板瑜伽SUP Yoga的基本功(1)




Practicing yoga on water can seem a little intimidating. After all, many of us find plenty of challenge balancing on land! But before you write off standup paddleboard (SUP) yoga as impossible, here’s what I tell all first-timers: “If you can breathe, you can do yoga. If you can stand on one foot, you can paddle." Get your feet wet with these SUP poses.

【航海之星】10个桨板瑜伽SUP Yoga的基本功(1)_第1张图片


Before You Get Started


Follow 3 general guidelines to help keep you stable and smiling on the water.


Slow down. Move at about half the speed you would on land, and make an effort to follow the length of slow, even breaths.


Mind your mat. The paddleboard's handle (inset at the top of the board) is usually the center of its balance, so try to orient yourself around the handle at all times.


Gaze at the horizon. Loss of balance usually comes from shifting the gaze too quickly. Keep your eyes on a fixed point on land for added stability.


Easy Seated Pose


Facing the front of your board, sit with your hips on the handle and let your hands rest gently on your knees. Sit up tall and take deep abdominal breaths, noticing the subtle rocking of the water beneath you.

【航海之星】10个桨板瑜伽SUP Yoga的基本功(1)_第2张图片


Child’s Pose


Start in Table Top with your navel above the board’s handle, widen your knees and bring your big toes to touch. Sink your hips back onto your heels and rest your forehead on the board. Arms can extend long in front of you, or your hands can drape over the sides of the board with your fingers trailing the water.

【航海之星】10个桨板瑜伽SUP Yoga的基本功(1)_第3张图片


Downward-Facing Dog


From Table Top, slowly send your hips up and back, straightening the legs. Gaze at the horizon behind you. Take a few breaths and use organic movements to settle into the pose. Be sure to press strongly into the index finger and thumb to protect your wrists.

【航海之星】10个桨板瑜伽SUP Yoga的基本功(1)_第4张图片




From Down Dog, shift forward and stack your shoulders above your wrists. Create a long line from the crown of your head to your heels. Engage the low belly. Add heat by lifting one leg at a time. For a little less challenge, drop your knees.

【航海之星】10个桨板瑜伽SUP Yoga的基本功(1)_第5张图片


Cobra or Upward-Facing Dog


For Cobra, lie prone, placing your belly on the handle, hands beneath shoulders and draw elbows toward each other. Inhale and lift your head, shoulders, and chest.


For Upward-Facing Dog, place your hands further back, near the ribs. Before pressing your hands into the board to lift your torso. Engage the quads so, if possible, your knees lift away from the board.

【航海之星】10个桨板瑜伽SUP Yoga的基本功(1)_第6张图片


【航海之星】10个桨板瑜伽SUP Yoga的基本功(1)_第7张图片

【品牌支持:中国航海之星学院 官网:www.seageek.cn,特别鸣谢:中国冲浪联盟 www.chinasurf.net】

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