6个月学会任意外语 - 5 Principles 7 Actions

5 Principles


4 words: Attention, Meaning, Relevance, Memory

It’s relevant to your goals, to your survival, so you should focus.


Use Language like a tool

To communicate with others.


Comprehension is the key

When you first understand the message,

then you will unconsciously acquire the language.


Speaking, train your muscles

Language is like physical training.


Psycho-physiological state matters,

sad, upset, angry, happy.

7 Actions:


Listen a lot:

Tons of tons, brain soaking, doesn’t need to understand them.


Get the meaning FIRST:

Even before the words, should first understand the meaning


Start mixing:

10 Verbs ✖ 10 Nouns ✖ 10 Adjectives = 1000 Possible Phrases


Focus on the Core:

You got 3000 words, you’re speaking the language.

the rest is ice on the cake.

Week 1 - The Tool Box:

1)  What is this

2) How do you say

3) I don’t understand

All in the TARGET: Language

Week 2,3 - Pronouns, Common Verbs, Adjectives:

you, that, me, give, hot

Week 4 - Glue Words:

but, and, even though, therefore


Get a language parent:

get confidence

Language parent “Rules”:

Works to understand what you are saying

Does not correct mistakes

Confirms understanding by using correct language

Uses words the learner knows


Copy the face:



Direct Connect to mental images:

image the word in your mind

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