翻译—Dawn 3.0 Alpha 版本公告

正如很多EOS.IO开发社区所意识,我们自12月就已经开始着手合并Dawn2.x和Dawn3.0 Master。合并的代码库现在已经非常稳定了,可以作为早期的阿尔法版本公开,它现在已经是我们Github的主要分支。之前的版本会被命名为“dawn-2.x”,它也会继续作为一个分支部分。

As many in the EOS.IO development communityare aware, we've been working since December on merging two lines ofdevelopment, Dawn 2.x and Dawn 3.0. The merged code base is now stable enoughto make public as an Early Alpha and will now become our Github master branch.The prior master will be renamed “dawn-2.x” and will continue to be availableas a non-master branch.


Community developers will notice that thenext time they “git pull” from Master, they will obtain the new Dawn 3.0 code.Those wishing to continue to pull the Dawn 2.x code that connects to thecurrent TestNet can do so by following instructions in the new readme.md, beingmade available at the same time as the re-mastering.

请注意Dawn 3.0的代码仍处于早期的阶段,并且和当前block.one提供公共测试网是不兼容的;到2018年一季度末期,它才会在公共测试网中使用。在过渡期间,开发者可以用Dawn3.0的代码研发他们自己的测试网。在此需要提醒的是,Dan Larimer和开发团队已经改变了我们的预期的发开方式。这意味着我们暂时不会公布Dawn3.0测试网的日期,直到我们对Dawn3.0的使用有足够的的把握以后,才会再第一时间发出通知。

Please note that the Dawn 3.0 code isstill in Early Alpha and is not compatible with the current block.one-providedpublic TestNet; it will not be available in a public TestNet until the end ofQ1 2018. In the interim, developers may create their own testnets with the newDawn 3.0 code. As a reminder, Dan Larimer and the development team have changedthe way we forecast development. This means we won't be announcing the date forthe Dawn 3.0 Testnet until the timeline is close enough for us to have highconfidence in its capabilities.


The current public TestNet at“https://testnet1.eos.io” will continue to run the Dawn 2.x software until therelease of the Dawn 3.0 Testnet, and will then be retired.


Smart contracts written for the Dawn 2.xcodebase will need to be revised to work on the new 3.0 codebase and takeadvantage of the new features.

Dawn 2.x  Dawn 3.0的主要变化包括将整个代码中的“eos”改为 “eosio”。我们将"message" 命名为"action",将所有需要开放者人工操作的'scope'功能改成自动模式。

Major changes in Dawn 3.0 include changing“eos” to “eosio” in all locations throughout the code. We have also renamed"message" to "action", and removed the need for developersto manually specify 'scope';all scope specification isnow automated.


Additional new features in the Dawn 3.0 AlphaRelease include: deferred transactions, staking pools, a new currency contract,and a new emerging token standard. A complete list of new features will beincluded in the 3.0 Final Release notes, expected by the end of Q1 2018. Acomplete list of EOS.IO Software Releases can be found here:

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