EAP Logical Fallacies


-Slippery slope: Using only one relevant factor to determine what will happen. (If A happens, B,C,D...Z will happen, so if A occurs Z must occur)

-Hasty Generalization: Rushing to the conclusion without sufficient facts, usually proceeding particular to general. (If A,C,D think B is unpopular, then B is unpopular.)

-Post Hoc: Using only times of events to determine whether a event is a cause of another. (If A happens before B, then A must be a cause to B)

-Begging the question: To prove a statement using facts that are assumed to be right. (God exist since the bible says so. [But the bible was assumed to be right, it is not a fact])

※wikipedia: it is a kind of circular argument.

-Circular argument: the reasoner begins with what they are trying to end with. (Whatever is less dense than water will float, because such objects won't sink in water)

-Ad Hominem: attack on the person rather than the fact. (A's words are invalid since he is stupid. [not mentioned what A said, but judge by A's characteristics.])

-Ad Populum: Attack on emotions to make the statement seem positive. the appeal to the popularity of a claim as a reason for accepting it.( 不转不是中国人![simply equating not forwarding the massage to not being a Chinese :D])

-Red Herring: Something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue that leads to a false conclusion. (Product A is in low quality, but the need of it is too much.)

-Bandwagon Fallacy: The statement that a lot of people claims to be true must be true. (A absolutely right since it was decided by most of the people./-All of my friends hate A. -Yeah, so it is wrong and abnormal.)

-Appeal to tradition: occurs when it is assumed that something is better or correct simply because it is older, traditional, or "always has been done." (We don't think A is right since it is wrong for a thousand years.)

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