
  • 学习资料:
    Python3 Tutorial

1. Interactive Shell

terminal$ python3

2. Execute .py Script

python fileName.py

Python is both an interpreted and a compiled language.



Compiler: to transform source code into executable program

Interpreter: (1) execute the source code directly or (2) translates the source code in a first step into a more efficient representation and executes this code

3. Python structures by colons and indentation


4. Variables

  1. Numbers

Integer, Floating, Complex

  • There is no "long int" in Python3 anymore, Integers in Python3 can be of unlimited size.
  • true div: /; floor div: //
  1. String
  • All strings in Python 3 are sequences of "pure" Unicode characters
  • ASCII: 128 characters
  • Unicode: four bytes are possible per character
  • Immutable

  • 比较

  • is 比地址;==比内容
  • 一个奇怪之处:
"Hi" is "Hi" == true 
"Hi!" is "Hi!" == False //含特殊字符

5. Operators

10 / 3 == 3.3333333333333335
10 // 3 == 3
10.0 // 3 == 3.0
10**3 == 1000
