

  1. It's time to do something
  2. call on somebody to
  3. through sthA, we can do much more than sth(similar to sthA or the original use), we can....

Alvarado calls on us to interrogate the unknown and shows us the remarkable discoveries that surface when we do.
Through architecture, we can do much more than create buildings," she says. "We can help steady this planet we all share."

  1. we need to respond to sth with the effort as we apply to sth

We need to respond to cybercrime with the same collective effort as we apply to a health care crisis


1.take the global crisis of online abuseseriously.
2.the responsibility lies with sb to find a way to do sth

But the responsibility lies with all of us to find a way to keep it from happening again.



No matter how little confidence you might have today in your ability to speak in public, there are things you can do to** turn that around.**
If you commit to being the authentic you, I am certain that you will be capable of tapping into the ancient art that is wired inside us. You simply have to pluck up the courage to try.
