2015-7-19 收集资料

组合用户特征(年龄 性别 地域等)和图片特征(CNN学习而来), 用于图片hashtag预测: 0)不加用户特征; 1)特征拼接法; 2)用户特征条件化的3路(张量)乘性门. User Conditional Hashtag Prediction for Images [Denton,KDD15]O网页链接PS:NYU去FAIR实习类似于哈工大去百度实习那样机会更多吧

【Python机器学习实例:用KNN做Reddit子话题推荐】《Recommending Subreddits by Computing User Similarity: An Introduction to Machine Learning in Python》O网页链接GitHub:O网页链接

【用Markdown/Jupyter notebook写学术论文】《Writing academic papers in plain text with Markdown and Jupyter notebook》O网页链接请参阅《Plain Text, Papers, Pandoc》O爱可可-爱生活

【免费书:R与数据挖掘最佳实践/经典案例】《R and Data Mining: Examples and Case Studies》by Yanchang Zhao (2013)O网页链接官网:O网页链接云:O网页链接

【论文+代码:Random Forest Kernel & Fast Cluster Kernel】《The Random Forest Kernel and creating other kernels for big data from random partitions》A Davies, Z Ghahramani [Cambridge] (CoRR 2014)O网页链接GitHub:O网页链接

《爱可可老师今日视野(15.07.19)》( 分享自@)O网页链接

这个系列挺好 Awesome Recurrent Neural NetworksO网页链接Awesome Random ForestO网页链接Awesome Deep VisionO网页链接

Genetic Algorithm in 15 lines of Python code:A simple yet effective genetic algorithm implementation used to train a neural network in 15 lines of code.#15行Python代码使用GA算法训练网络#O网页链接

【Airbnb的大规模数据科学研发】《At Airbnb, Data Science Belongs Everywhere: Insights from Five Years of Hypergrowth》O网页链接

【Quora:logistic回归 vs. 决策树】《What are the advantages of logistic regression over decision trees?》O网页链接

【论文:量子衍生DBM高效训练方法】《Quantum Inspired Training for Boltzmann Machines》N Wiebe, A Kapoor, C Granade, KM Svore [Microsoft] (2015)O网页链接参阅该作者另一篇《Quantum Deep Learning》(2014)O网页链接

【视频:Facebook加速深度学习】《XLDB2015: Accelerating Deep Learning at Facebook》by Keith AdamsO网页链接云:O网页链接

【论文:RNN实证研究】《An Empirical Exploration of Recurrent Network Architectures》R Jozefowicz, W Zaremba, I Sutskever (ICML2015)O网页链接  "We found that adding a bias of 1 to the LSTM’s forget gate closes the gap between the LSTM and the GRU"

【用Spark实现Logistic回归】《Logistic Regression Using Apache Spark》O网页链接

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