Falling asleep in your genes: biology

Feb 2nd 2019

Falling asleep in your genes: biology

  • fall asleep 入睡
  • gene 基因
  • biology 生物学

Humans spend around a third of their lives asleep.

  • around 大约
  • spend ... doing sth. 花费的

But the molecular and genetic mechanisms that control sleepiness are mysteries.

  • molecular 分子的
  • mystery 神秘(的事/东西)

Now researchers have shown that a gene called nemuri could be one of the main drivers.

In a study on fruit flies, neuroscientists at the University of Pennsylvania found that when they suppressed the activity of this gene, the flies woke up easily and had difficulty sleeping.

  • fruit flies 果蝇

Conversely, when they ramped up nemuri’s activity, the flies effortlessly entered the land of nod. Intriguingly nemuri, which encodes a small protein secreted by brain cells, was also shown to help the flies fight off bacterial infections.

  • ramp up 上升;增加;提高
  • Intriguingly 有迷惑力地
  • protein 蛋白质
  • brain cell 脑细胞
  • fight off 击退;排斥;竭力摆脱
  • fight off a cold 治好感冒
  • bacterial infection 细菌感染;细菌传染

It seems as though sleep is a crucial part of the body’s immune response to infection or illness.

  • as though 好像
  • crucial 至关重要的;关键性的
  • immune response 免疫反应;免疫响应;免疫功能

Anyone sceptical of the recuperative powers of a good night’s rest now has evidence their doctors and mothers were right—sleep really does help.

  • sceptical 怀疑的
  • recuperative 有助于恢复的
  • evidence 证据;证明;物证;根据

The results were published this week in Science.

你可能感兴趣的:(Falling asleep in your genes: biology)