On Writing Well - CH15-19 Weekly Note

一. 字词复习 (Words Review)

1. demystify

to make a subject that seems difficult or complicated easier to understand especially by explaining it in simpler language

2. layman

someone who is not trained in a particular subject or type of work


3. tenet

a principle or belief

4. elated

extremely happy and excited, especially because of something that has happened or is going to happen

5. be delighted with

very pleased and happy

6. in an agony of


7. ponderous

boring, very serious, and seeming to progress very slowly

8. curriculum


9. squander

to carelessly waste money, time, opportunities etc

10. pedantic


11. accessible


12. addict

someone who is very interested in something and spends a lot of doing it

13. lanky & chunky

lanky: someone who is lanky is tall and thin, and moves awkwardly

chunky: someone who is chunky has a broad, heavy body

14. snuff out

to stop or end something in a sudden way    扼杀

15. picturesque

unusual, interesting, or sometimes rude words to describe something

16. novelty

something new and unusual which attracts people's attention and interest

17. old-timers

someone who has been doing a job or living in a place for a long time and knows a lot about it    老前辈

18. discern

to notice or understand something by thinking about it carefully

19. assassinate

to murder an important person

20. chore

something you have to do that is very boring and unpleasant

21. a whiff of


22. florid

florid language music, or art has a lot of extra unnecessary details or decorations

23. lunacy

a situation or behavior that is completely crazy

24. solely

not involving anything or anyone else


25. elaborate

having a lot of small parts or details put together in a complicated way

26. elusive

an elusive idea or quality is difficult to describe or understand

27. simmer down

to become calm again after you have been very angry

二. 感想 (Reflection)


借用《大师们的写作课》中的一个我非常赞同的观点:读比写更重要。因为读是输入,是积累的过程,没有足够的积累,很难有高质量、言之有物的输出。所以,读"On Writing Well"这些“干货”的过程中,除了让我了解了不少写作中的技巧和应该注意的地方外,更重要的是让我意识到,多读书、多积累、多思考的重要性。

三. 思维导图 (Summary)

On Writing Well - CH15-19 Weekly Note_第1张图片
Part 3 (Chapter 15-19)

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