甘比精读训练班 - DAY12

Digital Health care

1 cardiac arrest: N-VAR A cardiac arrestis a heart attack. 心搏停止; 心脏病发作

同义词:asystole: N the absence of heartbeat; cardiac arrest 心跳停止 heart disease 心脏病

Alexa is accumulating other health-care skills, too, including acting as a companion for the elderly and answering questions about children's illnesses.

2 accumulate: V-T/V- I When you accumulate things or when they accumulate, they collect or are gathered over a period of time. 积聚  e.g.  Civilian casualties are accumulating, even though, I think, Israel is becoming more selective in its targets.

3 illness / disease: illness something wrong with your health which makes you feel ill/ disease a particular illness, especially one that spreads to other people easily or that affects one part of your body.  illness>disease

4 illness/ sickness: illness the general state of being ill e.g. Stress is emerging today as a major cause of illness. / sickness the state of being ill, especially when it stops you working  e.g. absence from work due to sickness

Enter Amazon's Echo, a voice-friven computer that answers to the name of Alexa, which can recite life-saving instructions about cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a skill taught to it by the American Heart Association.

5 resuscitation: n. 复苏;复兴;复活 resuscitate的变形 resuscitate: to make someone breathe again or become conscious after they have almost died使恢复呼吸;使苏醒

6 cardiopulmonary: ADJ of, relating to, or affecting the heart and lungs 心肺的; 与心肺有关的 

cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏术 

In the near future she will probably hepl doctors with grubby hands to take notes and to request scans, as well as remind patients to take their pills.

7 grubby: ADJAgrubbyperson or object is rather dirty. 肮脏的; ADJIf you call an activity or someone's behaviour grubby, you mean that it is not completely honest or respectable. 卑鄙的

8 remind: to make someone remember something that they must do; remind sb about sth; remind sb to do sth; remind sb (that); remind yourself.  e.g. Remind us of some of the other big cases we're still awaiting verdicts on.

Last year Americans spent an amount equivalent to about 18% of GDP on health care.

9 equivalent to: ADJ having the same value, purpose, job etc as a person or thing of a different kind  e.g. a qualification which is equivalent to a degree

Spending on administration varies sevenfold between rich countries.

10 sevenfold: ADV by or up to seven times as many or as much 多达七倍的; ADJ equal to or having seven times as many or as much 七倍的 在这里是作为副词使用; Indeed, the economy seems to have handily absorbed a sevenfold increase in oil prices since 1999.这里是做形容词

In rich countries about one-fifth of spending on health care goes to waste, for example on wrong or unnecessary treatments.

11 go to waste 浪费,自己写会写成 "is wasted",这种主动的表达方式更地道 PHRASE If something goes to waste, it remains unused or has to be thrown away. 被浪费掉 e.g. So much of his enormous effort and talent will go to waste if we are forced to drop one hour of the film.

Consumers seem readier to accept digital products than just a few years ago.

12 readier: 这个词还可以这么用 人+be+readier e.g. Asia's consumers are readier for a culture change than are its banks and institutions.

using statistical methods to sift data on outcomes for patients

13 sift data: 筛选数据 sift: to examine information, documents etc carefully in order to find something out or decide what is important and what is not细查,详查,严密检查〔信息、文件等〕e.g. It’s hard to sift out the truth from the lies in this case. 自己写大概会用pick out

buy drugs in bulk

14 in bulk: 整批,散装;大批,大量 e.g. Big purchasers get better pricing because when you buy in bulk you can negotiate a better price.

15 genomic sequencing: 基因序列组/ genome sequencing

16 pharma business: 制药公司 N pharmaceutical companies when considered together as an industry 制药业 

17 pharmaceutical: ADJ means connected with the industrial production of medicines. 制药的; N-PLURAL Pharmaceuticals are medicines. 药品

18 diabetics: N-COUNT Adiabeticis a person who suffers from diabetes. 糖尿病人; diabetes: N-UNCOUNT Diabetes is a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in their blood. 糖尿病

Although Fitbits are frequently derided for ending up in the back of a drawer, people can be motivated to get off the sofa.

19 deride: V-TIf you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value. 嘲笑 e.g. For his part, Hun Sen was quick to deride the trial as a charade.

20 get off: PHRASAL VERB If someone who has broken a law or rule gets off, they are not punished, or are given only a very small punishment逃脱惩罚; PHRASAL VERB If you tell someone to get off a piece of land or a property, you are telling them to leave, because they have no right to be there and you do not want them there. 离开; PHRASAL VERB You can tell someone to get off when they are touching something and you do not want them to. 把手拿开。 这里取第二种意思,离开,暗含你不希望人们一直坐在沙发上的意思。比leave更好。

21 in the back of a drawer: 在抽屉角落

22 innovate in 对...革新  e.g. The company is already working with two foreign companies to innovatein water purifiers.

23 cavalier: not caring enough about rules, principles, or people’s feelings 满不在乎的,随便的,轻慢的 e.g. True to type, Downey has a ball as the cavalier playboy in the early scenes.

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