


  1. 小红开发一个模块在本地数据库增加了两个字段,并且改动了dao层的代码提交到git。这时候小黄拉取了代码Run很可能报错。
  2. 如果在上线正式环境的时候,忘记在正式数据库执行sql脚本可能造成严重的问题。
  3. 传统的解决方式是在一个固定的地方添加sql脚本,开发人员相互沟通执行哪个sql脚本


Flyway 导入


compile "org.flywaydb:flyway-core:4.1.2"

Maven 在pom.xml添加依赖



使用Spring Boot,Gradle 构建项目,添加依赖。

如果是已经开发一段时间的项目需要开启 baselineOnMigrate 否则抛出异常

Found non-empty schema(s) `reshelf2` without metadata table! Use baseline() or set baselineOnMigrate to true to initialize the metadata table. 

application.properties 添加配置



public class BaselineOnMigrateMigrationStrategy implements FlywayMigrationStrategy {
    public void migrate(Flyway flyway) {


sql脚本默认放置在 classpath:db/migration

文件以.sql结尾,命名V字开头,后面数字为版本号 例如 V1__init.sql

摘自 org.flywaydb.core.Flyway

     * The locations to scan recursively for migrations.


The location type is determined by its prefix. * Unprefixed locations or locations starting with {@code classpath:} point to a package on the classpath and may * contain both sql and java-based migrations. * Locations starting with {@code filesystem:} point to a directory on the filesystem and may only contain sql * migrations.


* (default: db/migration) */ private Locations locations = new Locations("db/migration"); /** * The encoding of Sql migrations. (default: UTF-8) */ private String encoding = "UTF-8"; /** * The schemas managed by Flyway. These schema names are case-sensitive. (default: The default schema for the datasource connection) *


  • The first schema in the list will be automatically set as the default one during the migration.
  • *
  • The first schema in the list will also be the one containing the metadata table.
  • *
  • The schemas will be cleaned in the order of this list.
  • *
*/ private String[] schemaNames = new String[0]; /** *

The name of the schema metadata table that will be used by Flyway. (default: schema_version)

By default * (single-schema mode) the metadata table is placed in the default schema for the connection provided by the * datasource.

When the flyway.schemas property is set (multi-schema mode), the metadata table is * placed in the first schema of the list.

*/ private String table = "schema_version"; /** * The target version up to which Flyway should consider migrations. Migrations with a higher version number will * be ignored. The special value {@code current} designates the current version of the schema (default: the latest version) */ private MigrationVersion target = MigrationVersion.LATEST; /** * Whether placeholders should be replaced. (default: true) */ private boolean placeholderReplacement = true; /** * The map of <placeholder, replacementValue> to apply to sql migration scripts. */ private Map placeholders = new HashMap(); /** * The prefix of every placeholder. (default: ${ ) */ private String placeholderPrefix = "${"; /** * The suffix of every placeholder. (default: } ) */ private String placeholderSuffix = "}"; /** * The file name prefix for sql migrations. (default: V) *


Sql migrations have the following file name structure: prefixVERSIONseparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , * which using the defaults translates to V1_1__My_description.sql

*/ private String sqlMigrationPrefix = "V"; /** * The file name prefix for repeatable sql migrations. (default: R) *


Repeatable sql migrations have the following file name structure: prefixSeparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , * which using the defaults translates to R__My_description.sql

*/ private String repeatableSqlMigrationPrefix = "R"; /** * The file name separator for sql migrations. (default: __) *


Sql migrations have the following file name structure: prefixVERSIONseparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , * which using the defaults translates to V1_1__My_description.sql

*/ private String sqlMigrationSeparator = "__"; /** * The file name suffix for sql migrations. (default: .sql) *


Sql migrations have the following file name structure: prefixVERSIONseparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , * which using the defaults translates to V1_1__My_description.sql

*/ private String sqlMigrationSuffix = ".sql";


注意:sql脚本需要有相应的版本号,例如如果想让 V2__init.sql执行 需要有V1__init.sql作为一个基准对比,然后flyway才会执行相应的sql脚本。





