



flowvisor是基于openflow的一个中间代理层,其目的在于对物理资源的抽象和分片,从而使得每个控制器下的slice相互隔离,从而做到网络的虚拟化。现有的openflow机制中,主要提供了虚拟交换机如open vswitch,还有控制器如POX,floodlight等,但没有一个很好地资源抽象来实现多用户隔离和分片,flowvisor就是希望完成这个目标。  







二:API测试测试环境:ubuntu12.04 LTS节点拓扑结构:


 flowspace match字段:

 all or any is used to specify a flow that matches all packets.    


 Matches  physical  port  port_no.   Switch ports are numbered as              displayed by fvctl getDeviceInfo DPID.       


Matches IEEE 802.1q virtual LAN tag  vlan.   Specify  0xffff  as              vlan  to  match  packets that are not tagged with a virtual LAN;              otherwise, specify a number between 0 and  4095,  inclusive,  as              the 12-bit VLAN ID to match.        dl_src=mac              Matches  Ethernet  source address mac, which should be specified              as 6 pairs of  hexadecimal  digits  delimited  by  colons,  e.g.              00:0A:E4:25:6B:B0.        dl_dst=mac              Matches Ethernet destination address mac.        dl_type=ethertype              Matches Ethernet protocol type ethertype, which should be speci‐              fied as a integer between 0 and 65535, inclusive, either in dec‐              imal  or  as a hexadecimal number prefixed by 0x, e.g. 0x0806 to              match ARP packets.      nw_src=ip[/netmask]              Matches IPv4 source address ip, which should be specified as  an              IP  address,  e.g.   The  optional  netmask allows              matching only on an IPv4 address prefix.  The netmask is  speci‐              ficed "CIDR-style", i.e.,        nw_dst=ip[/netmask]              Matches IPv4 destination address ip.        nw_proto=proto              Matches  IP  protocol type proto, which should be specified as a              decimal number between 0 and 255, inclusive, e.g. 6 to match TCP              packets.        nw_tos=tos/dscp              Matches  ToS/DSCP  (only  6-bits, not modify reserved 2-bits for              future use) field of IPv4 header tos/dscp, which should be spec‐              ified as a decimal number between 0 and 255, inclusive.      tp_src=port              Matches transport-layer (e.g., TCP, UDP, ICMP) source port port,              which should be specified as a  decimal  number  between  0  and              65535  (in  the case of TCP or UDP) or between 0 and 255 (in the              case of ICMP), inclusive, e.g. 80 to match  packets  originating              from a HTTP server.        tp_dst=port              Matches transport-layer destination port port. slice权限参数:DELEGATE(1), READ(2), and WRITE(4) API测试:一:add-1.add-slice:命令语法:fvctl add-slice [options]    -d DROP, --drop-policy=DROP                        Drop rule type; default='exact'  -l, --recv-lldp       Slice to receive unknown LLDP; default=False  -f FLOW, --flowmod-limit=FLOW                        Slice tcam usage; default is none (-1)  -r RATE, --rate-limit=RATE                        Slice control path rate limit; default is none (-1)  -p PASSWD, --password=PASSWD                        Slice password  --disabled            Disable this slice initially; default=False输入:fvctl -p 8081 add-slice -l s4 tcp: [email protected]输出:Slice s4 was successfully createdroot@icecamel-virtual-machine:/home/icecamel/nv# fvctl -p 8081 list-slice-info s4Password:{  "admin-contact": "[email protected]",  "admin-status": true,  "controller-url": "tcp:",  "current-flowmod-usage": 0,  "current-rate": 0,  "drop-policy": "exact",  "recv-lldp": true,  "slice-name": "s4"}输入:fvctl -p 8081 add-slice -r 1 s5 tcp: [email protected]输出:Slice s5 was successfully createdroot@icecamel-virtual-machine:/home/icecamel/nv# fvctl -p 8081 list-slice-info s5Password:{  "admin-contact": "[email protected]",  "admin-status": true,  "controller-url": "tcp:",  "current-flowmod-usage": 0,  "current-rate": 0,  "drop-policy": "exact",  "recv-lldp": false,  "slice-name": "s5"}ps:      1.slice不可同名      2.slice的controller不可相同 2.add-flowspace语法规则: fvctl add-flowspace [options] Options:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -q QUEUES, --queues=QUEUES                        Define list of queues permitted on this flowspace.  -f FQUEUE, --forced-queue=FQUEUE                        Force a queue id upon output action.注明:match字段如文档开头描述,在这里用perm1=x1,perm=x2的形式列举希望匹配的字段即可,all或者any可以表示所有资源,slice-perm的规则是slice-name1=num1,slice-name2=num2,其中slice权限参数:DELEGATE(1), READ(2), and WRITE(4)输入:fvctl -p 8081 add-flowspace -f 2 fs3 all 100 all s1=5输出:FlowSpace fs3 was added with request id 4{"force-enqueue": 2, "name": "fs3", "slice-action": [{"slice-name": "s1", "permission": 5}], "queues": [], "priority": 100, "dpid": "all_dpids", "id": 5, "match": {"wildcards": 4194303}}输入:fvctl -p 8081 add-flowspace fs12 all 90 all s2=4输出:{ "dpid": "all_dpids", "force-enqueue": -1, "id": 7, "match": {  "wildcards": 4194303 }, "name": "fs12", "priority": 90, "queues": [], "slice-action": [  {   "permission": 4,   "slice-name": "s2"  } ]}ps:如果执行fvctl -p 8081 add-flowspace all 90 all s1=5,s2=5,会出现两个完全一模一样的flowspace,其ID也是一样的,避免使用。  二:list-1.list-datapaths:Displays the devices输入: fvctl -p 8081 list-datapaths输出:Connected switches:  1 : 00:00:1e:e3:d3:5e:b1:47  2 : 00:00:4a:e6:f6:f2:1e:4c  3 : 00:00:72:cf:98:c4:27:41  4 : 00:00:ee:95:d7:4d:0f:49 2.list-datapath-info:Displays information for a connected device输入:fvctl -p 8081 list-datapath-info 00:00:1e:e3:d3:5e:b1:47 (00:00:1e:e3:d3:5e:b1:47 是dpid)输出:{  "connection": "/>/",  "current-flowmod-usage": {    "fvadmin": 0,    "s1": 0,    "s2": 0  },  "dpid": "00:00:1e:e3:d3:5e:b1:47",  "num-ports": 4,  "port-list": [    3,    2,    65534,    1  ],  "port-names": [    "b2-b3",    "b2-b1",    "b2",    "p2"  ]} 3.list-datapath-stats:Display statistics for a connected device输入:fvctl -p 8081 list-datapath-stats 00:00:1e:e3:d3:5e:b1:47输出:{  "drop": {    "Total": {}  },  "rx": {    "Total": {      "ECHO_REPLY": 426,      "ECHO_REQUEST": 423,      "FEATURES_REPLY": 1,      "HELLO": 1    },    "classifier-dpid=00:00:1e:e3:d3:5e:b1:47": {      "ECHO_REPLY": 426,      "ECHO_REQUEST": 423,      "FEATURES_REPLY": 1,      "HELLO": 1    }  },  "tx": {    "Total": {      "ECHO_REPLY": 423,      "ECHO_REQUEST": 426,      "FEATURES_REQUEST": 1,      "FLOW_MOD": 1,      "HELLO": 1    },    "classifier-dpid=00:00:1e:e3:d3:5e:b1:47": {      "ECHO_REPLY": 423,      "ECHO_REQUEST": 426,      "FEATURES_REQUEST": 1,      "FLOW_MOD": 1,      "HELLO": 1    }  }} 4.list-slices: Displays the configured slices输入:fvctl -p 8081 list-slices输出:fvadmin         --> enableds1              --> enableds2              --> enabled 5.list-slice-info:Displays slice information输入:fvctl -p 8081 list-slice-info s1输出:{  "admin-contact": "[email protected]",  "admin-status": true,  "controller-url": "tcp:",  "current-flowmod-usage": 0,  "current-rate": 0,  "drop-policy": "exact",  "recv-lldp": false,  "slice-name": "s1"} 6.list-slice-stats:Displays statistics about a slice输入:fvctl -p 8081 list-slice-stats s1fvctl -p 8081 list-slice-stats s2fvctl -p 8081 list-slice-stats fvadmin输出:Internal Error -> list-slice-stats: No stats exist for this slice : s1Internal Error -> list-slice-stats: No stats exist for this slice : s2Internal Error -> list-slice-stats: No stats exist for this slice : fvadmin 7.list-flowspace:fvctl list-flowspace [options]        -s SLICE, --slice-name=SLICE Fetch flowspace for specified slice.        -x, --output-hex      Displays relevant fields in hex        -p, --pretty-print    Pretty print output        --show-disabled       Display flowspace for disabled slices输入1:fvctl -p 8081 list-flowspace输出1:{"force-enqueue": -1, "name": "fs1", "slice-action": [{"slice-name": "s1", "permission": 5}], "queues": [], "priority": 100, "dpid": "all_dpids", "id": 1, "match": {"wildcards": 4194263, "nw_proto": 0, "dl_dst": "78:45:c4:2d:72:51"}}输入2:fvctl -p 8081 list-flowspace  -s s1输出:符合结果输入3:fvctl -p 8081 list-flowspace  -x (可输入slice-name)输入3:fvctl -p 8081 list-flowspace -p:以列表形式输出 8.list-datapath-flowdb:Displays the contents of the flow db if flow tracking is enabled(跟踪从slice push到switch的flow)输入:fvctl -p 8081 list-datapath-flowdb 00:00:1e:e3:d3:5e:b1:47输出:Flows seen at FlowVisor: 9. list-datapath-flowrewritedb:Displays the rewrites (or expansions) FlowVisor has applied(当controller把一个flow向flowvisor push的时候,flowvisor可能会扩展该流,次命令查阅该扩展)命令格式:fvctl list-datapath-flowrewritedb slice-name dpid输入:fvctl -p 8081 list-datapath-flowrewritedb s1 00:00:36:f1:bb:00:67:47输出:Rewrites applied by FlowVisor:输入:fvctl -p 8081 list-datapath-flowrewritedb s1 000036f1bb006747输出:同上ps:dpid的格式如果错误,会报错,详情如下:输入:fvctl -p 8081 list-datapath-flowrewritedb s2 0000-3a02-5569-824c输出:HTTP Error 500: Server ErrorRewrites applied by FlowVisor:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/local/bin/fvctl", line 1103, in     do_func(gopts, opts, args)  File "/usr/local/bin/fvctl", line 702, in do_listrewritedb    for fbe in ret:TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable 10:list-fs-status:命令格式: fvctl list-fs-status 命令作用:查看添加flowspace的请求是否被处理或者请求,返回值有UNKNOWN,PENDING,SUCCESS,或者错误信息输入:fvctl -p 8081 list-fs-status 1输出:FlowSpace Request id 1 : SUCCESS输入:   fvctl -p 8081 list-fs-status 10输出:FlowSpace Request id 10 : UNKNOWN 11:list-fv-health:呈现一些参数输入:fvctl -p 8081  list-fv-health输出:{  "average-delay": 0,  "instant-delay": 0} 12:list-links:输入:fvctl -p 8081 list-links输出:[  {    "attributes": "fakeLink=true",    "dstDPID": "00:00:42:49:a6:41:b1:41",    "dstPort": "1",    "srcDPID": "00:00:3a:02:55:69:82:4c",    "srcPort": "0"  },  {    "attributes": "fakeLink=true",    "dstDPID": "00:00:62:0b:89:0d:f5:46",    "dstPort": "1",    "srcDPID": "00:00:42:49:a6:41:b1:41",    "srcPort": "0"  },  {    "attributes": "fakeLink=true",    "dstDPID": "00:00:36:f1:bb:00:67:47",    "dstPort": "1",    "srcDPID": "00:00:62:0b:89:0d:f5:46",    "srcPort": "0"  },  {    "attributes": "fakeLink=true",    "dstDPID": "00:00:3a:02:55:69:82:4c",    "dstPort": "1",    "srcDPID": "00:00:36:f1:bb:00:67:47",    "srcPort": "0"  }] 三:配置1.get-config:fvctl -p 8081 get-config结果:Password:{  "api_jetty_webserver_port": 8081,  "api_webserver_port": 8080,  "checkpointing": false,  "config_name": "default",  "db_version": "2",  "enable-topo-ctrl": false,  "flood-perm": {    "dpid": "all",    "slice-name": "fvadmin"  },  "flow-stats-cache": 30,  "flowmod-limit": {    "fvadmin": {      "00:00:1e:e3:d3:5e:b1:47": -1,      "00:00:4a:e6:f6:f2:1e:4c": -1,      "00:00:72:cf:98:c4:27:41": -1,      "00:00:ee:95:d7:4d:0f:49": -1,      "any": null    },    "s1": {      "00:00:1e:e3:d3:5e:b1:47": -1,      "00:00:4a:e6:f6:f2:1e:4c": -1,      "00:00:72:cf:98:c4:27:41": -1,      "00:00:ee:95:d7:4d:0f:49": -1,      "any": null    },    "s2": {      "00:00:1e:e3:d3:5e:b1:47": -1,      "00:00:4a:e6:f6:f2:1e:4c": -1,      "00:00:72:cf:98:c4:27:41": -1,      "00:00:ee:95:d7:4d:0f:49": -1,      "any": null    }  },  "host": "localhost",  "log_facility": "LOG_LOCAL7",  "log_ident": "flowvisor",  "logging": "NOTE",  "stats-desc": false,  "track-flows": false,  "version": "flowvisor-1.4.0"} 2.set-config:设置flowvisor的参数:For flood permissions, if both the dpid and theslice are given, then that slice is given permission for that dpid. Otherwise,the given slice is set as the slice global flood permissions. For flowmodlimits, the limit is set per slice per dpid. The dpid in case could be 'any'.语法规则:fvctl set-config [options]Options:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -f SLICE[,DPID], --flood-perm=SLICE[,DPID]                        Set the floodperm  -l SLICE,DPID,LIMIT, --flowmod-limit=SLICE,DPID,LIMIT                        Set the flowmod limit.  --enable-tracking     Enable flow tracking.  --disable-tracking    Disable flow tracking.  --enable-stats-desc   Enable stats description hijacking.  --disable-stats-desc  Disable stats description hijacking.  --enable-topo-ctrl    Enable topology controller.  --disable-topo-ctrl   Disable topology controller.  -c CACHE, --flow-stats-cache=CACHE                        Set the aging timer for the flow stats cache.输入:fvctl -p 8081 set-config -f s1 -- enable-tracking输出:Configuration has been updated(调用get-config后可以看到的确成功修改)输入:fvctl -p 8081 set-config -l s1,00:00:36:f1:bb:00:67:47,10输出:(修改成功)root@icecamel-virtual-machine:~# fvctl -p 8081 get-config -s s1 -d 00:00:36:f1:bb:00:67:47Password:{  "api_jetty_webserver_port": 8081,  "api_webserver_port": 8080,  "checkpointing": false,  "config_name": "default",  "db_version": "2",  "enable-topo-ctrl": false,  "flood-perm": {    "dpid": "00:00:36:f1:bb:00:67:47",    "slice-name": ""  },  "flow-stats-cache": 30,  "flowmod-limit": {    "s1": {      "00:00:36:f1:bb:00:67:47": 10    }  },  "host": "localhost",  "log_facility": "LOG_LOCAL7",  "log_ident": "flowvisor",  "logging": "NOTE",  "stats-desc": false,  "track-flows": true,  "version": "flowvisor-1.4.0"} 3.save-config:语法规则:fvctl save-config 输入: fvctl -p 8081 save-config /home/icecamel/nv/config_test.json输出:Config file written to /home/icecamel/nv/config_test.json.root@icecamel-virtual-machine:/home/icecamel/nv# lsconfig_test.json 四:remove与update1.remove-slice输入:fvctl -p 8081 remove-slice s4输出:(正常删除) 2.remove-flowspace输入:fvctl -p 8081 remove-flowspace fs4输出:(正常删除)ps:之前在add-flowspace时通过命令fvctl -p 8081 add-flowspace all 100 all s1=5,s2=5同时生成的两个一模一样的flowspace通过该命令会被同时删除 3.update-admin-password语法规则:fvctl update-admin-password [options]Update the admin password.Options:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -p PASSWD, --password=PASSWD                        New password for admin.输入:fvctl update-admin-password -p 123正常更改输入:fvctl -p 8081 update-admin-password -p 123输出:前面的更改生效且这次也成功更改ps:在修改过后重启,密码修改失效 4.update-flowspace语法规则:fvctl update-flowspace [options] Options:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -d DPID, --dpid=DPID  Set the dpid for flowspace entry.  -p PRIO, --priority=PRIO                        Set the priority for flowspace entry.  -m MATCH, --match=MATCH                        Set the match for flowspace entry.  -s SACT, --slice-action=SACT                        Set the slice(s) for flowspace entry.  -q QUEUES, --queues=QUEUES                        Define list of queues permitted on this flowspace.  -f FQUEUE, --forced-queue=FQUEUE                        Force a queue id upon output action.输入:fvctl -p 8081 update-flowspace fs6 -m dl_src=0a:a1:f9:da:26:13,nw_proto=0x1输出:Flowspace fs6 was updated with request id 10{ "dpid": "all_dpids", "force-enqueue": -1, "id": 10, "match": {  "dl_src": "0a:a1:f9:da:26:13",  "nw_proto": 1,  "wildcards": 4194267 }, "name": "fs6", "priority": 101, "queues": [  2,  3,  4 ], "slice-action": [  {   "permission": 5,   "slice-name": "s2"  } ]}(成功修改,且无论是添加flowspace还是修改flowspace,均会使id增加,修改id为x的flowspace,其输出结果id=x+n,且该flowspace 的id变为x)输入:fvctl -p 8081 update-flowspace fs6 -s s2=5输出:Flowspace fs6 was updated with request id 11 5.update-slice-password语法规则:fvctl update-slice-password slice-name -p NewPasswd\输入:fvctl update-slice-password s2 -p 123输出:Slice password for s2 has been updated. 6.update-slice语法规则:fvctl update-slice [options] 输入:fvctl -p 8081 update-slice s1 -n输出:Slice s1 has been successfully updated{  "admin-contact": "[email protected]",  "admin-status": true,  "controller-url": "tcp:",  "current-flowmod-usage": 0,  "current-rate": 0,  "drop-policy": "exact",  "recv-lldp": false,  "slice-name": "s1"}输入: fvctl -p 8081 update-slice s1 -d rule输出:Slice s1 has been successfully updatedroot@icecamel-virtual-machine:/home/icecamel/nv# fvctl -p 8081 list-slice-info s1Password:{  "admin-contact": "[email protected]",  "admin-status": true,  "controller-url": "tcp:",  "current-flowmod-usage": 0,  "current-rate": 0,  "drop-policy": "rule",  "recv-lldp": false,  "slice-name": "s1"} 7.register-event-callback:Registers for events from FlowVisor. Possible events are: DEVICE_CONNECTED,SLICE_CONNECTED, SLICE_DISCONNECTED and FLOWTABLE_CALLBACK. ForFLOWTABLE_CALLBACK event type dpid has to be input with -d option. More eventsmay be added later.语法规则:fvctl register-event-callback
