坚持每天手抄一篇原文---Day 6


坚持每天手抄一篇原文---Day 6_第1张图片

Anyway, true to from, Lynetta tried to bait me with Juli those first few days. She even snuck her past Dad once and marched her all around the house, hunting me down. I wedged(挤进) myself up on the top shelf(隔板) of the closet, and lucky for me, nether or them looked up. A few miniutes later I heard Dad yell at Juli to get off the antique furniture(古董家具), and once again, she got booted.

I don't think I went outside that whole first week. I helped unpack stuff and watched TV and just kind of hung around while my mom and dad arranged and rearranged the furniture(整理家具), debating whether Empire settees and French Rococo tables should even be put in the same room.

So believe me, I was dying to go outside. But every time I checked through the window, I could see Juli Showing off in her yard. She'd be heading a soccer ball(美式足球) or doing high kicks(踢) with it or dribbling it up and down their driveway. And when she wasn't busy showing off, she'd just sit on the curb with the ball between her feet, staring at look our hose.

My mom didn't understand why it was so awful(可怕的;糟糕的) that "that cute little girl" had held my hand. She tought I should make friends with her. "I thought you liked soccer, honey. Why don't you go out there and kick the ball around?"

Because I didn't want to be kicked around, that's why. And although I couldn't say it like that at the time, I still had enough sense(感觉) at age seven and a half to know that Juli Baker was dangerous.

Unavoidably(不可避免地) dangerous, as it turns out(结果是). The minute I walked into Mrs. Yelson's second-grade classroom, I was dead meat(死定了). "Bryce!" Juli squeals. "You're here." Then she charges(向前冲) across the room and tackles(抓住) me.



你可能感兴趣的:(坚持每天手抄一篇原文---Day 6)