
The use ofinternet always stays in the center of controversy. People who are in favor ofit claim it provides a lot of information, while people who oppose it arguethat information is too much to be used.

In my opinion, Istrongly support the first one. Nowadays internet is everyone, it encompassesevery aspect of our lives, whenever you encounter with difficulties or travelin the city but get lost, you can always use internet for advices. It brings somuch convince and saves a great deal of time.

It is true thateach coin has two sides. As Internet develops at an unprecedented speed, informationkeeps pour in, sometimes it is too much to distinguish which one is useful. However,pouring information can’t deny the information’s accuracy Thanks to advance technology,especially search engine ,which enable users enter to a search string and lookfor the most relevant information. Information technology also provide accessto collect and analyze big data , thus present users with most appropriate one.What’s more, voice technology is also improving ,if configuration of key wordsis too difficult for some users , voice searching makes it more easier. Justtell the computer what you want , and you will get it , probably with many options.

In summary , excessiveinformation do have its side effect ,such as fake product or unhealthyinformation.But such problem can’tcover information’s inner value. With the progressing technology, which helpspeople more easily to search and make accurate decision. Under strict regulationcarry out by the government, punishing those website that filled with fakeproduct or cheating information, the internet information will play a more andmore important role in the future. Eventually , we will embrace with the big dataworld.
