【汉化】Picture Choices

Picture Choices

【汉化】Picture Choices_第1张图片
Picture Choices

This is a plugin that allows players to have the ability to select from
a collection of pictures.


Where to Store the Pictures

All of the image files need to be stored in:



How to Set up Picture Choices

Within one of the slots for a Choice in a “Show Choices” event, use:



For example, if you had an image called “Happy.png”, then you could do:



Using this, you can assign pictures to each choice.
Keep in mind if even one choice is set up like this, the entire choice
window will use the Picture Choices format.
I would HIGHLY recommend making every choice have an picture assigned to it.


Picture Choices Grid

By default, the grid used for the Picture Choices is based on the amount
of choices that are used.


For example:

2 Choices – 2 Columns | 1 Rows
3 Choices – 3 Columns | 1 Rows
4 Choices – 2 Columns | 2 Rows
5 Choices – 5 Columns | 1 Rows
6 Choices – 3 Columns | 2 Rows

However, say for example, you wish to set up a custom grid (like you may
wish to have 3 Rows for 3 Choices), you can use the Plugin Command:


SetPictureChoicesGrid [cols] [rows]

For example:

SetPictureChoicesGrid 1 3


If you wish to set it back to automatic mode, use the Plugin Command:


SetPictureChoicesGrid auto

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