
1.of or relating to the heart.
a cardiac arrest
2.of or relating to the part of the stomach nearest the esophagus.
‘Piles’ of the cardiac orifice of the stomach from obstruction to the portal system may produce hemoptysis.
3.a person with heart disease.
I'm finding all this talk of post-op cardiacs particularly relevant after my two months of cardiology call and this month in the NICU.

a nymph deprived of speech by Hera in order to stop her chatter, and left able only to repeat what others had said.

of or relating to the heart and the lungs.
We will summarize the content of and access to selected databases with information related to cardiopulmonary physical therapy.

dirty; grimy.
the grubby face of a young boy
同义词: dirty, grimy, filthy, mucky

an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea.
the first obvious manifestations of global warming
display, sign, apparition, demonstration, expression

a person who introduces new methods, ideas, or products.
he was one of the great innovators in jazz

1.necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.
it is incumbent on all decent people to concentrate on destroying this evil
同义词: necessary for one to, essential that, required that, imperative that, 2.compulsory for one to, binding on one to, mandatory that
(of an official or regime) currently holding office.
the incumbent president had been defeated
同义词: current, present, in office, in power, reigning
3.the holder of an office or post.
Voters may look back on an incumbent 's performance in office, and cast a retrospective vote, or may compare what the candidates promise to do if elected to office, and vote prospectively.
同义词: holder, bearer, occupant

express contempt for; ridicule.
critics derided the proposals as clumsy attempts to find a solution
同义词: ridicule, mock, scoff at, jibe at, make fun of

producing a great deal of profit.
a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian
同义词: profitable, profit-making, gainful, remunerative

arousing one's curiosity or interest; fascinating.
an intriguing story
1.arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate.
I was intrigued by your question
同义词: interesting, fascinating, absorbing, compelling, gripping, riveting, captivating, engaging, enthralling, someone's curiosity, pique someone's interest, attract
2.make secret plans to do something illicit or detrimental to someone.
the delegates were intriguing for their own gains

causing death.
a fatal accident
同义词: deadly, lethal, mortal, death-dealing, terminal

a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.
The British Library has a range of services for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
同义词: businessman/businesswoman

1.showing a lack of proper concern; offhand.
Anne was irritated by his cavalier attitude
同义词: offhand, indifferent, casual, dismissive, insouciant, unconcerned, supercilious, patronizing, condescending, disdainful, scornful, contemptuous, couldn't-care-less, devil-may-care
2.a supporter of King Charles I in the English Civil War.
Those loyal to Parliament were called Roundheads; those loyal to the king were Cavaliers .
3.a small spaniel of a breed with a moderately long, noncurly, silky coat.
They also added the word cavalier to the breed's name
