dampen, damp down|抑制、减退 #每日一词#

  • However, diameter growth, and hence basal area growth, are subject to competitive influences, which can either dampen or accentuate provenance differences depending on plot sizes or presence-absence of surround plantings. (Burdon, Low, 1991)
  • Mature tree hybrid experiment results were similar to those of the seedling experiment, but with a dampening of differences caused by low nutrient availability and possibly age effects. (El-Kassaby, Lindgren, 2007)
  • Even if initial survival is poor in one year the effects are damped down by the fact that one year’s planting is not normally a discrete crop with respect to felling plans. (Burdon, 1977)
  • In order to discern any patterns in the data, you'll frequently want to plot a smoothed curve that damps down these fluctuations. (Kabacoff, 2011)

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