7 years from now

I will be 36 years old and my daughter will turn 8 years old.

What would I want to accomplish by then?

That is a really good question to ask me. I guess my life will be looking into two aspects, meaningful relationship, and meaningful work.

Meaningful relationship

Within the family relationship, my first principle is still going to the following.

1. Happy wife happy life

Having said that, it is important to consider her need before mine. It is my nature to priority myself rather her's. When I truly mastering turn the first principle into my blood, I will have a better connection feeling about other. Now, it is not even close to where I want to be. I have a long way ahead of me.

2. Learn as much as possible from parents and parents in-law

Parent and in-law will be retired by then. They will have a lot of time in retirement. Keeping touch with them weekly is a minimum requirement. It should not be too hard to keep them happy. I need to initiate the conversation with them about how well my daughter is doing and how my wife and I have done throughout the period. After talking about us, I should ask how they have been working on. How was their health doing? Just to keep a closer eye their body health.

I have been living with my in-law for almost a year now. They are amazing and I have a lot thing can learn from them. We have been discussing and even debating some topics. But that was clearly a mistake. I should limit and stop doing. The benefit of discussing and debating is minimum. What is worse, the benefit of debating or discussing is close to negative. Why? I not only wasting time on discussing a useless topic, they also feel no respect from me. Never doing this stupid things again.

How should I talk to them?

The moment I change my attitude from debating or discussing to asking questions or trying to learn from their expertise is key to parents' happiness. Parents may think their glory days are better than now or in the next 7 years. Because each one of them is good at something that I can actually learn a lot from. For example, I can ask my them about dealing with colleagues, cooking receipts, teaching principles, and managing company.

Talking to experts can save me time and show my respect. But I will not the center of their focus. They will shift more their attention on my 8-year-old daughter.

3. Being a role model for my daughter

It is really easy to tell her what to do and what not to do. But it is hard to lead as an example. Reading, exercising, spending time with her to cultivate her is important. She will only be with me another 10 years or so until she meets her future boy friend or husband. What I do is more important than what I think. Thinking without actions means little.

4. True friends

I will find those friends that I can talk to at least once a year asking them how they are doing and what they are doing about their life, work, and interest. The time will be around a special event, their birthday, or public holiday. If we can talk in face to face, that is even better. I learned a lot from friends or open-minded new friends. They should have a good relationship with their wife or husband.

Hopefully, 7 years from now, I have a more meaningful relationship than I do now. I can be more valuable to them.

Meaningful work

I asked my colleague a question that what are you going to talk to a 10-year younger you about things. His answer didn't freak out on things and have career plan ready. I agreed all those. But If I am only allowing to talk about one thing to a 10 year younger me. I will tell myself:

Learn and try as much as while you can

7 years from now, I will probably back to China. I am not too sure about my occupation. It may be investment related or risk related. It may even nothing to do with anything I know about today. But this career is definitely creating more value than staying within a bigger company.

I have been always thinking about creating a product or service that can passively generate income. The product has been selling some time now.

4 Habits to keep

1. Reading

Reading is a way in to talk to or learn from the greatest author at all time. It is a way to learn history and become faster and more quality thinker. One book a day is a great service to keep myself explore a different area.

2. Writing

Writing is a way out to think slowly and record what I have been thinking on a deeper level. It is a process to talk to broader audience and yesterday's Rax. Yesterday's Rax cannot handle today's task and achieve the goal I set previously.

3. Running

Running gives me a time for me and listening to some master piece. It is another journey to challenge myself to become a better every week, month or year. Before retiring, I will go to Boston Marathon. I need to run within 3 hours and 10 mins to qualify for the race.

4. Meditation

It is self-reflection and time for myself every morning. I will keep the habit for life.

Sum up

It will be 2024 by the end of 7 years from now. I have my meaningful relationship and work with 4 habits to keep.

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