Oct. 2017 樱桃专题之 Colorful Fall

进入到10月,秋季已经悄悄来到我们身边。天气凉爽,爸爸妈妈们可以带上小朋友随便去玩了。It could be a stroll in the park, or a fall weekend outing. Are you ready to explore the Fall season?

带上一些零食,准备出发吧。Bring some snacks and head out for some fun!


首先我们可以看看大树,说说比较有代表性的吧,maple trees 枫树 & ginkgo trees 银杏树。可以指给宝宝看,look at the leaves turning red on the maple trees, or, look at the beautiful golden leaves on the ginkgo trees.

Oct. 2017 樱桃专题之 Colorful Fall_第1张图片
L: Maple / R: Ginkgo

有机会见到小动物的话,一定要告诉宝贝们哦。Do you see that squirrel? Oh, there are two of them! Look at them climbing up that tree!

Oct. 2017 樱桃专题之 Colorful Fall_第2张图片

风吹到脸上的时候,可以跟宝宝说,feel the light breeze on your face.

可以走的宝宝们,不妨让他们感受下踩在树叶上的感觉。The leaves have fallen onto the ground. Crunch crunch crunch, what's that sound when we step on the dry leaves? 如果不怕宝宝脏的话,就和宝宝一起 roll around in the piles of leaves, 在落叶堆里打打滚撒撒野吧。

Oct. 2017 樱桃专题之 Colorful Fall_第3张图片

With the breezy Fall weather, there’s lots we could do. Go out and enjoy the colorful season and breathe in some fresh crisp air! 秋天是一个颜色很丰富季节,带上宝宝一起出去享受美好的亲子时光吧。

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