Build your personal blogs using Hexo+Github and Coding Pages

Hexo is a fast, simple and powerful blog framework. You write posts in Markdown (or other languages) and Hexo generates static files with a beautiful theme in seconds.

Before installing hexo, you should install git, npm, and node.js. If you have installed, you can skip this step.

  1. Update your software sources list.
    sudo apt-get update
  2. Install git
    sudo apt-get install git
  3. Install node.js
    sudo apt-get install nodejs
    Type nodejs -v to see whether node.js was installed or not. Not error occur meaning that it works now.
  4. Install npm
    sudo apt-get install npm

Install Hexo

# npm install hexo-cli -g
# hexo init blog
# cd blog
# npm install
# hexo server


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