View Controller Programming Guide for iOS

Content view controllers:管理内容

Container view controllers :从其他的view controllers(child view controllers) 收集信息并呈现

----UINavigationController, UISplitViewController, and UIPageViewController.

1、The Role of View Controllers

管理视图、数据封送、交互、free memory管理、自动调节

2、View Controller Programming Guide for iOS


3、App Programming Guide for iOS


4、App Distribution Guide

描述配置的步骤,编译、调试和调优应用程序并提交其App Store。

a framework: a dictionary 包含了动态共享库和资源

a dynamic shared library and the resources

Presenting a View Controller

Presenting a view controller creates a relationship between the original view controller, known as the presenting view controller, and the new view controller to be displayed, known as the presented view controller.

The Presentation and Transition Process

1--Presentation Styles

Full-Screen Presentation Styles

The Popover Style

The Current Context Styles

Custom Presentation Styles

Transition Styles

Presenting 与 Showing a View Controller


showViewController:sender: 和 showDetailViewController:sender:




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