The Real War


FOR our struggle is not against flesh andblood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers ofthis dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlyrealms.

These days, my eyes were caught by the news about the South China Sea. I felt angry about the Phillipines for their false declaration that “South China Sea is not belong to China”. What I learnt from my childhood studying is that China owns the South China Sea. At the same time,people in my homeland are almost all angry about Fillipino and they start to boycott Phillipine mangos, which are said to be the best mangos. Because I am a follower of Christ, I felt a little approximate. I hate the arrogant attitude of America and Japan who want to be the ruler of the world at the feet of a Chinese who loves her nation and homeland. (I asked of myself about what Ithink about American and Japanese, is it HATE? No!) When I see some reviews of U.S. internet users, most of their talks are anti-Chinese. I feel heart-broken about this. A user named “Micheal” is a worshiper of Roman Empire and he wantthe U.S. to be the next Rome in this world in the way of violence. How terrible!!! However, there is still someone with heart and soul who as a American say that “We kill people but we care about the turtles.” (The background is that America launch wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now America accused China for ecocide such as killing turtles if China continue the possession of the South China Sea.) This reminds me of the teachings of Jesus and verses flesh in my mind. One says, “FOR our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” It is true that our real enemy is Satan! Is Sin! No matter which country, nation or race we belong to, we have the only same real enemy-SATAN! It is not the deal between China and Western but the war between our human being and the Satan. Unfortunately, the politics don’t realize this and all they care is about the power. As a result, all governments in this world become tools for Satan to harm each other. Our sin is enlarged to 1000 times. “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” This is the image of our dying planet. The Judgement Day is near. How far away we are from the Creator’s intention. He want us “rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, …...over all the creatures that move along the ground”, but we just want to rule over another people. He want us “ be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it”. But when we fill the earth, we want to kill others for more lands, more water, and more resources. We lose the Father-Like characteristics.We are more and more like the Devil. All of this comes from our sinful desires (James4:1).All sins we commit make GodHEART-BROKEN!!! Whether there is a war in the real world or not, there must be adaily war in the spiritual world.

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