视频直播[OS X El Capiton]记录



  1. nginx-full 安装
    brew install homebrew/nginx/nginx-full --with-rtmp-module

brew info nginx-full

  1. ffmpeg安装
    brew install ffmpeg
==> Caveats
The native FFmpeg AAC encoder has been stable since FFmpeg 3.0. If you
were using libvo-aacenc or libaacplus, both of which have been dropped in
FFmpeg 3.0, please consider switching to the native encoder (-c:a aac),
fdk-aac (-c:a libfdk_aac, ffmpeg needs to be installed with the
--with-fdk-aac option), or faac (-c:a libfaac, ffmpeg needs to be
installed with the --with-faac option).

See the announcement
https://ffmpeg.org/index.html#removing_external_aac_encoders for details,
and https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/AAC on best practices of encoding
AAC with FFmpeg.
==> Summary
  /usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/3.0.2: 230 files, 47M

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