The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 5

Habit 2 Begin with the end in mind

1. obsolete

In business, the market is changing so rapidly that many products and services that successfully met consumer tastes and needs a few years ago are obsolete today.

no longer useful, because something newer and better has been invented.⇨ out-of-date:

例:computer hardware that quickly became obsolete

造句:What is in fashion now quickly becomes obsolete after a short while.


So I decided to withdraw form management.

to stop taking part in an activity, belonging to an organization etc, or to make someone do this /withdraw from

In everyday English, people usually say that someone pulls out of something such as a competition or organization rather than withdraws:She pulled out with a knee injury.

例:A knee injury forced her to withdraw from the competition.

造句:She has to withdraw from the swiming lessons as it is clashing with her English debating competition training.


Through conscience, we can come in contact with universal laws or principles with our own singular talents and avenues of contribution.

the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong

a guilty/troubled conscience/a clear conscience

a clear conscience (=the knowledge that you have done nothing wrong) I was able to answer his questions with a clear conscience.

a guilty/troubled conscience (=the knowledge that you have done something wrong) His guilty conscience kept him awake at night.

例:It was his guilty conscience that made him offer to help.

造句:I answered his questions with a clear conscience the pit of your stomach

Suppose that whenever they begin to do something I feel is inappropriate, I sense an immediate tensing in the pit of my stomach.

in/at the pit of your stomach if you have a feeling in the pit of your stomach, you have a sick or tight feeling in your stomach, usually because you are nervous or afraid:

例:I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something terrible was going to happen.

造句:Before going to the stage, he had a feeling in the pit of his stomach for his stage fright.

5 defer to

My life is not the product of my own practive design, but the result of the first creation I have deferred to circumstances and other people.

the product of  ,the result of可以互换

defer to somebody/something phrasal verb formal

to agree to accept someone’s opinion or decision because you have respect for that person:defer本身有推迟,延迟的意思。

例I will defer to your wishes.

造句:If we are easy to defer to circumstances, we are wasting our proactive strength.




Begin with the end in mind就是让我们先设想好最终的目标,再想想具体应该如何做。

To begin with the end means to start with a clear undestanding of your destination. It means to know where you're going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.



既然这个蓝图如此重要,那我们应该如何绘制?应该用到第一个习惯proactive,调动我们的主观能动性,运用self-awareness,imagination and conscience.这时候我们要充分发挥自己的想象力,要把这个目标想的足够吸引自己,这样才有动力朝着他不断靠近。比如我们为什么要坚持读完这本书?为了可以在朋友圈装一把?或者是把交的学费挣回来?又或者是我要成为一个有自律习惯优秀的人,成为自己以前仰望的人。

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