
Why Unsecured Loans Are Anything But Risky


There is no doubtthat small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are an immensely promising segment ofthe world’s growing economies. However, firms in this segment consistently rateaccess to finance as the top barrier to growth. Neither small enough to tapinto the microfinance sector nor big enough to graduate to the big firms’range, small and medium enterprises in low-income countries are responsible forroughly 30% of employment and 17% of GDP (as opposed to 50% and 60%respectively in high-income countries).


Indiais no exception. From 26 million smallenterprises employing over 60 million people, barely 5% have access to thecapital they require. Why? Simply because small enterprises do not fit anywherein the country’s current financial system. On one hand, they require larger andriskier investments than the Rs 50,000 ($1,000) cap that the micro financesector offers to individuals and community groups. On the other hand, they donot have the requisite collateral to be eligible for commercial loans fromtraditional banks. As a result, small enterprises are consistently beingfinancially excluded.


This gap in thelending market has never been a secret—in fact, it has been emphasized by theReserve Bank ofIndiaover the years, and echoed by the World Bank, as well. “It was almost a nobrainer that there was a missing piece, a missing middle, but nothing was beingdone about it. Many saw it as an impossible scenario,” says Hardika Shah, asocial entrepreneur behind Kinara Capital inBangalore. Motivated by her desire to make ashift in the financial market, close a flagrant gap and defy people’sreluctance, Hardika took the challenge and started a nonbanking finance company(NBFC), Kinara Capital, which lends to micro and small businesses.

借贷市场的缺口从来都不是秘密,实际上,它已经被印度储备银行强调了很多年,并得到了世界银行的响应。“不用想就能知道借贷市场缺失了一环,缺失了中间环节,但却什么都没做,很多人认为这是一个不可能的场景,”班加罗尔Kinara资本公司的社会企业家Hardika Shah说。被她想在金融市场做出转变的心愿所触动,关闭一个公然的差距,无视人的不情愿。Hardika做出了挑战,成立了一个非银行金融公司(NBFC):Kinara资本公司,它可以为微型和小型企业提供借贷服务。

More than justcatering to an often excluded segment of the economy, Kinara Capital is uniquein its operating model, as well. It provides unsecured loans to SMEs within asupply chain, with debt capital loans in the range of Rs. 100,000 to Rs.1,000,000 ($2,000-$20,000). In other words, Kinara Capital works with differentparties involved in the value chain, from buyers to trade organizations, tosource and fund working capital for the small businesses she works with.Interestingly, the model bears minimal risk, since it often makes buy-backarrangements for equipment manufacturers or collects payments directly from theSMEs’ clients. For instance, if Kinara’s client buys an asset from one ofKinara’s machine manufacturing partners, Kinara Capital would transfer the loanto the partner in the form of credit for equipment.


Additionally, byvirtue of working in a chain, Kinara Capital is able to collect precise andreliable background data on its clients, from incomes to outstanding orders tothe history of the buyer-supplier relationship, hence making it easy toevaluate the client and monitor payments. At the same time, there is a form ofpeer-pressure to ensure repayment as SMEs realize that any default on paymentwould severely harm their business relations.

Four years intoits existence, Kinara Capital’s customers range from sole proprietor firms toartisan groups, partnership firms, and village-level entrepreneurs, with thebusiness operating heavily in the manufacturing space. With more than 1,000unique customers and 2,500 loans distributed, Kinara Capital has a $5 millionportfolio today, primarily serving the south ofIndiaand planning to expand in thenear future.


Perumal, who runsBalaji Heat Technology, is one example of a loan success story. Just a coupleyears back, Perumal needed short term working capital, and found himself payinga 5% interest per month, adding up to a 60% annual interest rate. Thisnaturally put him in a financially precarious position, rejected byconventional banks and faced with selling his modest family-owned land. It ishere that Kinara stepped in, offering him an unsecured loan. Fast forward to today:Perumal has been able to pay off his debt and purchase a manufacturingfacility, and he also owns a split of the business as a whole. He even had theconfidence to pitch a one-year financing partnership with an engineering firm,which was then formalized through Kinara!


Looking ahead,Kinara Capital hopes to grow both in terms of capital and customers, and reach20,000 loans in the next five years. Moreover, Hardika says that Kinara Capitalis now focused on how to better understand the sector and its secluded players,and even call for regulatory systems in order to “be more rather than just domore.” Her hope is that this can be the beginning of a change to thetraditional lending system inIndiaand beyond, as the model is replicable in other contexts, bears minimal risksand fills a fundamental gap in the sector.


Today, althoughthe SME finance gap remains a reality in many emerging markets across theworld, entrepreneurs in the sector are clearly blurring the lines betweenbusiness and social impact, and are bringing about systemic changes to the traditionallending system—changes that would create jobs, expand businesses and strengtheneconomies as a whole. A new economic reality awaits.


