Nov. 2017 樱桃专题之 A Trip to the Zoo

动物园大概是孩子最喜欢去的游乐场所之一了,这个温度渐凉的季节,动物园的气味不会太大,动物们又相对比较活跃,让我们一起来一场动物园之旅吧~ Let's go to the zoo.

Nov. 2017 樱桃专题之 A Trip to the Zoo_第1张图片

小朋友肯定会很兴奋,但是一定要注意安全哦,谨防走失和受伤。I know you're really excited to be at the zoo, but you have to hold Mommy's hand and not let go, ok? It’s really crowded here.

动物园里面肯定可以看见很多动物啦~相信宝宝们在课程中也有所涉及,找出宝宝们熟悉的动物,指认一下吧~顺便,可以给小朋友普及普及动物的不同种类哦~ Monkeys are mammals, so are bears and tigers. Snakes and turtles are reptiles. Ants are insects, bees and butterflies are insects as well.

Wild Animal Park 野生动物园

有的地区是开放式的野生动物园 wild zoo 或wild animal park,更要注意遵守游园规定哦。一般坐车进园区,要注意不可以伸出头手哦。We will be riding in this caravan/bus/cart while touring the wild animal park, just don't stick your head or hands out the window, please, especially in the forbidden zone.

不能用我们自带食物喂养动物。如果非常想要喂小动物的小朋友,可以等到去可以喂养小动物的地方再喂哦。Sweetie, we cannot feed animals with our snacks, it may make them sick. If you wanna do some feeding, we could go to the petting zoo later.

园区内的动物会根据不同的生活地点区分,可以一边看一边介绍起来。Zebras, giraffes and antelopes are in the African Park. Camels and wild cattle are in the Asian Park. Penguins and polar bears are indoor at the polar region. 当然,每个动物园的布局和名称都不太一样。

Petting Zoo 小动物喂养区

Nov. 2017 樱桃专题之 A Trip to the Zoo_第2张图片
Petting Zoo

这大概是小朋友们最能近距离接触小动物的地方了,先问问看小朋友要不要进去摸摸喂喂它们,要轻轻的来。Honey, we are at the petting zoo. Look, there are rabbits, goats, sheep, guinea pig, ponies, llamas inside. 这里有小兔,山羊,绵羊,豚鼠,小马,羊驼。 Do you want to go inside and pet them? Be really gentle. Let's go get some grass and feed them! Look, this goat is chewing on your grass, and it wants more!

有时候有些小动物凑到宝宝身上来宝宝可能会害怕,可以先带宝宝退到一边,然后选些体积小的动物重新开始。Why don't we go feed the rabbits and guinea pigs first. Just stick out your carrot nice and steady; this rabbit's taking a bite, here comes another one.

在这个金黄的季节,享受一场愉快的亲子动物园之旅吧~ Enjoy your safari at the zoo!

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