RN Text Demo

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import {







} from 'react-native';

var Entity = React.createClass({

render() {

return (





var AttributeToggler = React.createClass({

getInitialState() {

return {fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: 15};


toggleWeight() {


fontWeight: this.state.fontWeight === "bold" ? "normal" : "bold"



increaseSize() {


fontSize: this.state.fontSize + 5



render() {

curStyle = {fontWeight: this.state.fontWeight, fontSize: this.state.fontSize}

return (

Tap the controls below to change attributes.

See how it will even work on *?*Text style={curStyle}>this nested text

Toggle Weight

Increase Size




class TestText extends Component {

render() {

return (

*?*ScrollView flexDirection="column" style={{top: 0}} contentContainerStyle={{paddingVertical: 20}} horizontal={false}>

*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>



The text should wrap if it goes on multiple lines. See, this is going to the next line.



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>


*?*Text style={{padding: 10}}>

The text is indented by 10px padding on all sides.



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>Font Family*?*/Text>

*?*Text style={{fontFamily: "Cochin"}}>



*?*Text style={{fontFamily: "Cochin", fontWeight: "bold"}}>

Cochin Bold


*?*Text style={{fontFamily: "Helvetica"}}>



*?*Text style={{fontFamily: "Helvetica", fontWeight: "bold"}}>

Helvetica Bold


*?*Text style={{fontFamily: "Verdana"}}>



*?*Text style={{fontFamily: "Verdana", fontWeight: "bold"}}>

Verdana Bold



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>Font Size*?*/Text>

*?*Text style={{fontSize: 23}}>

Size 23


*?*Text style={{fontSize: 8}}>

Size 8



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>


*?*Text style={{color: "red"}}>

Red Color


*?*Text style={{color: "#3377cc"}}>

Color(rgb: "#3377cc")



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>Font Weight*?*/Text>

*?*Text style={{fontSize: 20, fontWeight: "100"}}>

Move fast and be ultralight


*?*Text style={{fontSize: 20, fontWeight: "200"}}>

Move fast and be light


*?*Text style={{fontSize: 20, fontWeight: "normal"}}>

Move fast and be normal


*?*Text style={{fontSize: 20, fontWeight: "bold"}}>

Move fast and be bold


*?*Text style={{fontSize: 20, fontWeight: "900"}}>

Move fast and be ultrabold



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>Font Style*?*/Text>

*?*Text style={{fontStyle: "normal"}}>

Normal text


*?*Text style={{fontStyle: "italic"}}>

Italic text



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>Text Decoration*?*/Text>

*?*Text style={{textDecorationLine: "underline", textDecorationStyle: "solid"}}>

Solid underline


*?*Text style={{textDecorationLine: "underline", textDecorationStyle: "double", textDecorationColor: "#ff0000"}}>

Double underline with custom color(red color)


*?*Text style={{textDecorationLine: "underline", textDecorationStyle: "dashed", textDecorationColor: "#ff0000"}}>

Dashed underline with custom color(red color)


*?*Text style={{textDecorationLine: "none"}}>

None textDecoration


*?*Text style={{textDecorationLine: "line-through", textDecorationStyle: "solid"}}>

Solid line-through


*?*Text style={{textDecorationLine: "line-through", textDecorationStyle: "double", textDecorationColor: "#ff0000"}}>

Double line-through with custom color


*?*Text style={{textDecorationLine: "line-through", textDecorationStyle: "dashed", textDecorationColor: "#9cdc40"}}>

Dashed line-through with custom color


*?*Text style={{textDecorationLine: "line-through", textDecorationStyle: "dotted", textDecorationColor: "blue"}}>

Dotted line-through with blue color


*?*Text style={{textDecorationLine: "underline line-through"}}>

Both underline and line-through



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>



(Normal text,

*?*Text style={{fontWeight: "bold"}}>

(and bold

*?*Text style={{fontSize: 11, color: "#527fe4"}}>

(and tiny inherited bold blue)






*?*Text style={{opacity: 0.7}}>



(is inherited

*?*Text style={{backgroundColor: "#ffaaaa"}}>

(and also applies to the background)






*?*Text style={{fontSize: 12}}>

// 自定一控件

*?*Entity>Entity Name*?*/Entity>



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>Text Align*?*/Text>


auto (default) - english LTR



أحب اللغة العربية auto (default) - arabic RTL


*?*Text style={{textAlign: 'left'}}>

left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left


*?*Text style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>

center center center center center center center center center center center


*?*Text style={{textAlign: 'right'}}>

right right right right right right right right right right right right right


*?*Text style={{textAlign: 'justify'}}>

justify: this text component{"'"}s contents are laid out with "textAlign: justify"

and as you can see all of the lines except the last one span the

available width of the parent container.



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>Letter Spacing*?*/Text>

*?*Text style={{letterSpacing: 0}}>

letterSpacing = 0


*?*Text style={{letterSpacing: 2, marginTop: 5}}>

letterSpacing = 2


*?*Text style={{letterSpacing: 9, marginTop: 5}}>

letterSpacing = 9


*?*Text style={{letterSpacing: -1, marginTop: 5}}>

letterSpacing = -1



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>



A {'generated'} {' '} {'string'} and    some     spaces



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>Line Height*?*/Text>

*?*Text style={{lineHeight: 35}}>

A lot of space between the lines of this long passage that should

wrap once.



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>Empty Text*?*/Text>

*?*Text />


*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>Toggling Attributes*?*/Text>

*?*AttributeToggler />


*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>backgroundColor attribute*?*/Text>

*?*Text style={{backgroundColor: 'yellow'}}>

Yellow container background,

*?*Text style={{backgroundColor: '#ffaaaa'}}>

{' '}red background,

*?*Text style={{backgroundColor: '#aaaaff'}}>

{' '}blue background,


{' '}inherited blue background,

*?*Text style={{backgroundColor: '#aaffaa'}}>

{' '}nested green background.







*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>NumberOfLines attribute*?*/Text>

*?*Text numberOfLines={1}>

Maximum of one line, no matter how much I write here. If I keep writing, it{"'"}ll just truncate after one line.


*?*Text numberOfLines={2} style={{marginTop: 20}}>

Maximum of two lines, no matter how much I write here. If I keep writing, it{"'"}ll just truncate after two lines.


*?*Text style={{marginTop: 20}}>

No maximum lines specified, no matter how much I write here. If I keep writing, it{"'"}ll just keep going and going.



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>Text Shadow*?*/Text>

*?*Text style={{fontSize: 20, textShadowOffset: {width: 2, height: 2}, textShadowRadius: 1, textShadowColor: '#00cccc'}}>

Demo text shadow



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>This text contains an inline image*?*/Text>

*?*Text style={{fontSize: 40, fontWeight: "200"}}>

This text contains an inline image *?*Image source={require('./image/mm.jpg')} style={{width: 50, height: 20, resizeMode: 'cover'}}/>. Neat, huh?



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>AllowFontScaling attribute*?*/Text>


By default, text will respect Text Size accessibility setting on iOS.

It means that all font sizes will be increased or descreased depending on the value of Text Size setting in

{" "}*?*Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Settings.app - Display & Brightness - Text Size*?*/Text>


*?*Text style={{marginTop: 10}}>

You can disable scaling for your Text component by passing {"\""}allowFontScaling={"{"}false{"}\""} prop.


*?*Text allowFontScaling={false} style={{marginTop: 20}}>

This text will not scale.



*?*View style={{borderColor: "purple", borderWidth: 2}}>

*?*Text>Text highlighting (tap the link to see highlight)*?*/Text>

*?*Text>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, *?*Text suppressHighlighting={false} style={{backgroundColor: 'white', textDecorationLine: 'underline', color: 'blue'}} onPress={() => null}>consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud*?*/Text> exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.*?*/Text>






const styles = StyleSheet.create({

backgroundColorText: {

margin: 5,

marginBottom: 0,

backgroundColor: "rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.3)"



AppRegistry.registerComponent('rnDemo', () => TestText);

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