Positioning 9月26日学习记录

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill went up to the hill to fetch a pail of water

Jack fell down and broke his crown , Jill hit tumbling after

Positioning 9月26日学习记录_第1张图片
Jack and Jill 语感启蒙

1 review the audio book of "7 habits of highly effective people "

The leardship and management

Peter Duruke

" leadership is doing the right thing, management is doing the things right "

Covey share a story about exploring a new way , the leader should climb up the tree , direct the whole team , the managers are busy with sharpening the scythe, strengthen the muscle , prepare some aid resource, the soldiers are at the front line . But when the leader tell they are in the wrong jungle , do they stop with any hesitation. First , if the team is in the wrong jungle , even they kept positive and deliegent , they means nothing . Your start determine the end "when you pick the one end , you pick up the other ". Second when the leader find they are in the wrong jungle . How does he to persuade or get the teammate noticed ? If the leader throw out the reality directly , that will hurt their feelings , or maybe their motivation and desire . So how to design the communication pattern is a decisive factor, which influence the teaming efficiency. Covey merely shares the story to prove his viewpoint that the leadership means the direction , means something that can determine the prosperity of the company or the century , at present it means little , maybe the managers are not aware of that.

the center of our lives

As an individual, we takes couples of roles ,

For my wife , I am a husband

For my parents, I am their son

For my daughter , I am her father

For the department , I am a accountant

Usually , the common people take money , or possession, or spouse , or work , or entertainment as our centers . But these centers are unreliable and unpredictable, they belongs to the circle of our concern, so the principle center is more valuable , they are eternal .

2 draft the TOEFL and GRE preparation

In September, finish "guns , germs and steel " , turn to

①CNN student news

②BBC documentary

③ The economist and the New York

④very shor introduction series from Oxford

⑤Best American writing series


①expand vocabulary

②increase the fielding knowledge and culture or science points


3 read and circle the new word in " guns, germs and steel "

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