Day015 商业——沃尔玛线上反击战(E0223)


沃尔玛公司是一家美国的跨国零售企业,1962年由山姆·沃尔顿创立,总部位于美国阿肯色州的本顿维尔。沃尔玛主要涉足零售业,是世界上雇员最多的企业,且连续多年在美国《财富》杂志世界500强企业中位居首位。近年来线上市场竞争激烈,为了抢占市场份额,沃尔玛不断尝试线上业务与行业巨头亚马逊竞争,比如其针对 Prime (亚马逊的会员服务) 推出了无需会员费就能享受两日送达的服务。2016年,沃尔玛收购了在线零售商 以加强其电商业务。此外,该公司正准备入股印度最大电商 Flipkart,目前正在接洽。虽然动作不断,但其最新的财务报表却不太好看。财报显示,线上销售增长大幅下降,净收入同比下跌42.1%。公司解释称,因与亚马逊争夺日杂和服饰业务的市场份额,毛利受大量降价促销活动拖累,电商存在库存补货方面的运营困难,损害了销售增长。



Going online: Walmart

① Most incumbents【n. 任职者;在职者】 shrink in fear蜷缩在恐惧里 when Amazon rolls onto their turf【n. 领地】.

② Not so Walmart.

③ In 2016 the retailing giant acquired v.收购, an American e-commerce firm, to fend off 抵御远去 the challenger.

④ In the third quarter of last year the firm's internet sales rose by half (but still account for only 3% of total revenue).

⑤ Walmart's earnings, released today, will reveal whether that online growth spurt 【(经济)急剧增长;生长突增】has continued.

⑥ Corporate-tax cuts in America are likely to have left it【范指cuts】 with spare【adj. 闲置的】 cash, so bosses might also hint at the scope of technology investments.

⑦ They are already reportedly in talks to buy a stake in Flipkart, an Indian e-commerce firm.

⑧ There are other demands on Walmart, too—namely keeping the workers happy as the labour market tightens.

⑨ Last month the company announced bonuses and wage【小时工资】 increases amounting to 达到 $700m.

⑩ But prices also need to stay low, to keep customers loyal.

⑪ A tricky 【adj. 复杂的;难处理的】juggling act【抛球杂耍;同时做几件事又难以做好的局面】 lies ahead.


incumbent /ɪnˈkʌmb(ə)nt/: n. 任职者;在职者

turf /təːf/: n. 领地

growth spurt:(经济)急剧增长;生长突增

spurt /spəːt/: n. 喷射;急剧上升

corporate /ˈkɔːp(ə)rət/: n. 企业

spare /spɛː/: adj. 闲置的

stake /steɪk/: n. 股本

bonus /ˈbəʊnəs/: n. 分红;奖金

tricky /ˈtrɪki/: adj. 复杂的;难处理的

juggling act: 抛球杂耍;同时做几件事又难以做好的局面

juggle /ˈdʒʌɡ(ə)l/: v. 抛球杂耍

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