Designing a Controller-Sub-controller Compaction Points Tab

MV Weights(MV权重)
Name(名称) 子控制器中操作变量的名称。
**Damping Factor(阻尼系数) **操作变量的速度因子。
Weight(权重) 操作变量的权重因子。
CV Weights(CV权重)
Name(名称) 子控制器中被控变量的名称。
Deviation(偏差) 被控变量的工程单位偏差。
Weight(权重) 被控变量的权重因子。
若要将damping factors(阻尼系数)和/或deviations(偏差)切换到weights(权重),点击列顶部的单选按钮。选中单选按钮的那一列是活动的。
Damping Factor(阻尼系数)列显示了输入阻尼系数的值。默认阻尼系数值为1。第2列有字段用于输入权重系数。权重自动计算将使用被控变量的稳态增益(斜率被用于控制层)。
Deviation(偏差)列显示了输出偏差的值。默认偏差值为1。第2列有字段用于输入权重系数。Output deviation(输出偏差)和weight(权重)值彼此呈倒数关系。

Designing a Controller-Sub-controller Compaction Points Tab_第1张图片

Default in Use(默认使用中)/Reset to Default(重置为默认)切换按钮:
 Default in Use(默认使用中) - 指示压实点可以根据稳定时间(由子控制器动态预估)进行自动计算。
 Reset to Default(重置为默认) - 激活基于稳定时间(由子控制器动态预估)自动计算压实点。
注1:(高级用户)改变默认压实点将使自动计算压实点功能失效,单击Reset to Default(重置为默认)按钮恢复计算。此时按钮将切换到Default in Use(默认使用中)(已经更改了默认压实点)。如果按钮依旧显示Reset to Default(重置为默认),请务必确认子控制器动态得到正确绘制。
用户可以根据模型控制输出对操作输入的响应来检查输出压实点。请单击Sub-controller Compaction Points Plots(子控制器压实点曲线)选项卡进行检查确认。下图显示了Sub- controller Compaction Points Plots(子控制器压实点曲线)选项卡的主要组成部分。

Designing a Controller-Sub-controller Compaction Points Tab_第2张图片


Weights Window Fields and Buttons
MV Weights
Name The name of the manipulated variables in the sub-controller.
Damping Factor Manipulated variable’s speed factor.
**Weight **Manipulated variable’s weighting factor.
CV Weights
Name The name of the controlled variables in the sub-controller.
Deviation Controlled variable’s deviation in engineering units.
Weight Controlled variable’s weighting factor.
To switch from damping factors and/or deviations to weights, click on the radio button at the top of the column. The column with the selected radio button is the active one.
Input Weights
The Damping Factor column shows the values for the input damping factors. The default damping factors are all equal to one. The second column has fields to enter the Weight coefficients. The automatic weight calculation uses the steady state gains of the controlled variables (slope is used for controlled levels).
Output Weights
The Deviation column shows the values for the output deviations. The default deviations are all one. The second column has fields to enter the Weight coefficients. Output deviation and weight values are the inverse of each other.
Sub-controller Compaction Points Tab
Selecting Compaction Points
Compaction points can be computed automatically from the response of the dynamic models that explain the effect of the manipulated inputs on the controlled outputs.
Default in Use/Reset to Default toggle button:
 Default in Use - indicates that the compaction points result from the automatic calculation based on the settling time estimate of the sub-controller dynamics.
 Reset to Default - activates the automatic calculation of the compaction points based on the settling time estimate of the sub-controller dynamics.
NOTE 1: (Advanced users) Changing the default compaction points makes the automatic compaction points calculation inactive until the Reset to Default button is clicked. At this point, the button will switch to Default in Use. If the Reset to Default button is shown (changes to the default compactions have been made), make sure to verify that the sub-controller dynamics are plotted correctly.
NOTE 2: As of PCTP 2009 the default input horizon (compaction point) has been changed from 1 to 100 for a ramp-only model. The user has to manually adjust this value to a desired one
Sub-controller Compaction Points Plots Tab
The user can check the output compaction points as a response of the manipulated inputs to the controlled outputs model. To perform the check, click on the Sub-controller Compaction Points Plots tab. The figure below displays the main components of the Sub-controller Compaction Points Plots tab.
NOTE: The response plots are shown after the removal of a common control delay per controlled output.


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