安装 Ionic2 运行环境

  1. 安装Node.js npm

下载 node 最新版,安装好后切换到淘宝镜像源:

npm install -g cnpm --registry=http://registry.npm.taobao.org

npm install -g cnpm --registry=http://registry.npm.taobao.org

  1. 安装Ionic2
 cpm install -g ionic

需要注意的是,如果之前安装过 Ionic 2 的 beta 版本,需要先卸载掉:

npm uninstall -g ionic


ionic -version

目前最新版本是2.1.0。如果是 beta 版本的话,请重新安装,确保安装最新版。

3. 创建项目

打开 Node 命令行,首先 cd 到项目目录,使用 start 命令来创建一个新App:

cd /d/javascript
ionic start MyIonic2Project tutorial --v2


ionic start 项目名称 项目模板 版本

项目名称:自定义 项目名称:[ tabs|tutorial|blank],默认会使用 tabs 模板 版本:--v2
参数必须要加,不然会建立 v1.x 版本的项目


Creating Ionic app in folder E:\Workspaces\Ionic2\MyIonic2Project based on tutorial project
Downloading: https://github.com/driftyco/ionic2-app-base/archive/master.zip
[=============================] 100% 0.0s
Downloading: https://github.com/driftyco/ionic2-starter-tutorial/archive/master.zip
[=============================] 100% 0.0s
Installing npm packages...
Error with start undefined
Error Initializing app: There was an error with the spawned command: npminstall
There was an error with the spawned command: npminstall
Caught exception:
Mind letting us know? https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-cli/issues

这说明 npm 安装的时候失败了,可以 cd 到项目目录,使用之前设置过的 cnpm 命令:

cd MyIonic2Project
cnpm install


√ All packages installed (477 packages installed from npm registry, used 2m, speed 77.14kB/s, json 549(3.42MB), tarball 3.38MB)

4. 在浏览器中运行

ionic serve


ionic serve
ionic-app-base@ ionic:serve D:\javascript\ionicFirst
ionic-app-scripts serve

keywords if/then/else require v5 option
[17:06:30]  ionic-app-scripts 0.0.47
[17:06:31]  watch started ...
[17:06:31]  build dev started ...
[17:06:31]  clean started ...
[17:06:31]  clean finished in 1 ms
[17:06:31]  copy started ...
[17:06:31]  transpile started ...
[17:06:35]  transpile finished in 4.49 s
[17:06:35]  webpack started ...
[17:06:36]  copy finished in 4.84 s
[17:06:51]  webpack finished in 15.22 s
[17:06:51]  sass started ...
[17:06:53]  sass finished in 2.01 s
[17:06:53]  build dev finished in 21.92 s
[17:06:53]  watch ready in 22.08 s
[17:06:53]  dev server running: http://localhost:8100/

接着浏览器会打开一个地址为 http://localhost:8100 的窗口,端口号根据当前PC的实际情况可能会有变化,如果8100被占用了会使用8101等。

  1. 安装Cordova

    cnpm install -g cordova


$ cordova -version

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