Pessimists think about how they could have succeeded if they had done things differently. Optimists , on the other hand, tend to think about how they could have screwed things up
even more.
Not only do we all think that we are above average in our abilities, but we also think
good fortune will smile on us more than it will smile on everyone.
The difference between unrealistic optimism, which is usually unproductive and sometimes dangerous, and realistic optimism, which is critical for achieving many of our goals, lies in why you are optimistic.
Visualization can be very helpful, if you imagine the steps you will take in order to succeed rather than the success itself.
When you study achievement, one of the first things you learn is that innate ability has surprisingly little to do with success. Persistence, on the other hand, has a lot to do with it.
Just as it can be difficult to hang in there, it can also be very, very difficult to know when to quit.