Day 23 On Writing Well C24&25

Words and expressions

1.But she had the German penchant for telling people off, and she died alone at 81, having scolded away all her  friends.

penchant: a strong liking

仿写: A stylish woman with a penchant for dark glasses.

2. I’ve always felt deprived of knowing more about that missing grandfather.

deprived: not having the things that are necessary for a comfortable or happy life

仿写: They are probably the most severely deprived children in the country.

3. We come from a tribe of fallible people and we have survived without resentment to get on with our lives.

fallible: able to make mistakes or be wrong

仿写: Errors may have been made due to human fallibility.

4.Therefore I’ve never wanted anyone to tinker with it, and after I submit an article I protect it fiercely.

tinker: to make small changes to something in order to repair it or make it work better

仿写: Congress has been tinkering with the legislation.


Be  yourself and your readers will follow you anywhere. Try to commit an act of writing and your readers will jump overboard to get away. Your product is  you.

Writing well means believing in your writing and believing in yourself, taking risks, daring to be different, pushing yourself to excel. You will write only as well as you make yourself write.

作者在这两章中我们的writing可以写写自己生活中的事儿,当然也可以包含我们的家庭,作者反复强调的主题就是我们自己,写作的动力来源于自己,写作的内容从本身出发,be yourself.

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