Elon Musk-9.1-Liftoff

题目LIFTOFF的双关寓意很好,既指SpaceX成功发射了Falcon 9,也指Musk的事业出现转机,事业蒸蒸日上。 如果说Falcon1的发射成功是个开始,那么Falcon 9的发射已然使SpaceX成为这一行业中的Superpower。


1、市场广阔: 卫星市场呈现爆炸式增长,从每年600亿产值激增至每年2000亿美元。美国在全球卫星产业利润中占到60%。


3. 打破产业格局。SpaceX打破了以往主要依靠俄罗斯发射商用卫星的格局。美国向太空空间站运送宇航员,也不再受制于俄罗斯。 




品质:Top marks 、Type A personality traits、 Passion、 Experience , Building things since they were little ,etc.

程序:solving the puzzles → acting clever in interviews → penning up a good essay →meeting with Musk (He tend to care less about whether or not the person gets the answer than about how they describe the problem and their approach to solving it )


Numerous people interviewed for this book decried the work hours ,Musk's blunt style , and his sometimes ludicrous expectations .Yet almost every person — even those who had been fired — still worshipped Musk and talked about him in terms usually reserved for superheroes or deities

Employees fear Musk. They adore Musk. They give up their lives for Musk ,and they usually do all of this simultaneously. 

的确如此,即便前妻Justine曾经因为离婚备受折磨,对Musk心生怨恨,但是她对于Musk身上超乎常人的坚强仍然认可欣赏。 It seemed to indicate that Justine still admired or at least understood Musk's strong will .



1、改变分包的生产模式,基本实现自主生产。SpaceX manufactures between 80 percent and 90 percent of its rockets,engines ,electronics ,and other parts . 摆脱了对于供应商的依赖,实现关键部件的设计和生产,大大降低了成本,提高了效率。

2、使用常规标准电子元件,大幅节约成本。SpaceX ecletronics has had to work for years to prove to NASA that standard electronics have gotten good enough to compete with the more expensive ,specialized gear trusted in years past 。


4、实现火箭的回收利用。这绝对是SpaceX无可比拟的优势。Reusing its rockets will drive the bulk of this reduciton and SpaceX's competitive advantage . 




1、表示 “显现某种品质” 的两个词: Its foibles emanate directly from him , as do its successes . /The object is to find individuals who ooze passion ,can work well as part of a team .

If a quality emanates from sb = give people a strong sense that sb has that quality. 发散出 (品质) / 例:Intelligence and cunning emanated from him.聪明和机灵从他身上散发出来。

ooze  a quality or characteristic: show it very strongly. / 例句: The Southern plantation house oozes charm.南部种植园的那所房子散发出很大魅力。

foible:a habit or characteristic

2、In due course ,he will speak to you .

 in due course =it will happen when the time is right for it.在适当的时候

3、表示 “普通、一般” 的两个词:  the rank- and- file engineers / The spaceX office looks like what you might find at your run-of-the-mill Silicion Valley headquarters. .

4、表示 “坚持” 的两个词:Many of the key executives have hung on for a decade or more ...Among the rank-and-file engineers , most people stay on for at least for five years to ...

5、有一句描写Falcon 9 发射前加燃料的情形,太形象了!The liquid oxygen boils off on contact with the metal and air , forming white plumes that stream down the rocket's sides . This gives the impression of the Falcon 9 huffing and puffing as it limbers up before the journey

液氧遇到金属和空气瞬间气化,化作缕缕白雾从上流下,仿佛Falcon 9 在发射前正在做热身,大口喘气呢。就这一句Falcon 9瞬间活灵活现,太有喜感了。

huff and puff : ① to breathe very hard;  ② to complain 

例句:John came up the stairs huffing and puffing./ They huffed and puffed about the price,but eventually they paid up .

limber up: prepare for an energetic physical activity 热身准备(=warm up)

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