Elon Musk


** words **:

Musk had blended fantasy and reality to the point that they were hard to separate in his mind

blend: v. to form a mixture with sth

  • blend A with B
    仿句:We can't blend reality with dream

Africa frequently **boiled over **with tension and violence

boil over: v. ( of a situation, an emotion) to change into sth more dangerous or violent
仿句:Being in the neverous tention, he finally boiled over

I had to have that and then hounded

hound:v. to keep following sb and not leave them alone, especially in order to get sth from them or ask them questions
仿句: The singer was hounded by paparazzo

Once it arrived, and without flinching

flinch:v. to make a sudden movement with your face or body as a result of pain, fear, surprise

  • flinch at sth
  • flinch away
    仿句:Once I saw a dog, I flinched away

he left home for good

for good: permanently
仿句: Because of the sad memory, she decided to leave for good


但凡有成就的人都是对自己有要求的人,很早就知道自己想干什么,就像书中的这句and Musk, almost from his earliest days, plotted an escape from his surroundings and dreamed of a place that would allow his personality and dreams to flourish, 对人生有明确的想法才会有行动支撑。如果可以给过去的自己写信,就一定要提醒自己少宅在家,多出去走走看看,尝试各种职业,对未来的路有清楚的认识

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