

近日,厦门大学复杂动力学研究组王矫教授与意大利因苏布里亚大学Giulio Casati教授合作,在一维非平衡态相变研究方面取得进展。该研究成果以“One-Dimensional Self-Organization and Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in a Hamiltonian System”为题于2017年1月27日发表在《物理评论快讯》(Physical Review Letters, 2017; DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.040601)

平衡态相变依赖于系统的维数。自上世纪五十年代起,人们就已认识到一般情况下一维系统中不可能发生平衡态相变。另一方面,非平衡态相变也是广泛存在于二、三维耗散系统中,从未在一维物理系统中被发现过。最近,厦门大学复杂动力学研究组王矫教授与意大利因苏布里亚大学Giulio Casati教授合作,在一个一维哈密顿系统中发现了自组织及非平衡态相变。该研究工作因其“特别的重要性、创新性和能够引起广泛关注(particular importance, innovation, and broad appeal)”而被著名物理学学术期刊《物理评论快讯》选为编辑推荐论文发表。




One-Dimensional Self-Organization and Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in a

Hamiltonian System, Jiao Wang and Giulio Casati, Physical Review Letters, 27 January 2017,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.040601

Abstract:Self-organizationand nonequilibrium phase transitions are well known to occur in two- and three-dimensional dissipative systems. Here, instead, we provide numerical evidencethat these phenomena also occur in a one-dimensional Hamiltonian system. Tothis end, we calculate the heat conductivity by coupling the two ends of our systemto two heat baths at different temperatures. It is found that when the temperaturedifference is smaller than a critical value, the heat conductivity increaseswith the system size in power law with an exponent considerably smaller than 1.However, as the temperature difference exceeds the critical value, the system'sbehavior undergoes a transition and the heat conductivity tends to diverge linearlywith the system size. Correspondingly an ordered structure emerges. These findingssuggest a new direction for exploring the transport problems in one dimension.


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