
最早由Franco. Zorrillat1 等人在研究拟南芥miR399时发现了一个非编码蛋白基因IPS1 (Induced by Phosphate Starvation 1)。IPS1能够与miR399识别结合,在miRNA的切割位点形成不完全互补的泡状结构(图一),使miR399无法有效切割IPS1 RNA。在植物中,切割靶标mRNA是植物miRNA的一种重要作用机制,可对蛋白质的积累量产生直接影响2。该研究结果显示3,IPS1 过量表达能够显著的抑制miR399对靶基因PH02的沉默作用,即IPS1抑制miR399的功能(图二)。

miRNA的人工模拟靶序列(artificial target mimicry),是根据miRNA的核酸序列人工设计相对应的互补寡聚核苷酸链。在该技术的基础上进行MIMIC的优化设计,形成非切割型MIMIC,具体地说是一种被miRNA识别、互作,但是不能被miRNA切割的MIMIC。



(A) A target mimic with an unmodified central sequence (MIM172cs), which retained complementarity to the central portion of miR172 across the cleavage site (red line) opposite position 10 to 11 of the miRNA, did not change flowering time. Modification of the central sequence (TCTA to GAGT; MIM172) restored a three nucleotide bulge found in IPS1 and generated a functional target mimic, causing a delay in flowering. However, a single nucleotide mismatch introduced into the center of an authentic miR172 target site (MIM172sn), but without a bulge, was not sufficient to reduce miR172 activity. (B) Four-week old plants grown at 23°C in long days. MIM172cs and MIM172sn are phenotypically indistinguishable from wild-type Col-0 plants.

Yan4等在 TM 技术的理论基础上改良出一种更加高效的 miRNA沉默新方法,短串联模拟靶标 (short tandem target mimic, STTM) 技术。STTM 由一段 48nt的特定序列将两个 TM 桥连起来,在这两个 TM 的 mi RNA 切割位点处都具有一个 3 个碱基的凸起结构,这一结构使 mi RNA 能与之结合但无法对其进行切割。在 Yan 等人的试验中,他们在拟南芥中构建了 STTM165/166 序列(图三),通过这一模拟靶标序列对 mi RNA165/166 家族的功能进行抑制,对比后发现对照组拟南芥直立生长,叶子和茎干形状规则,而突变体植株矮小、弯曲、叶片不规则;通过与传统 TM 技术构建的突变体对比发现,STTM 突变体的表型更加明显,对 mi RNA 的抑制程度更深。

图 三


  • Tae-mi R9677 前体及其小串联模拟靶标表达载体构建及小麦遗传转化研究
  • 靶序列模拟技术在抗CMV中的作用研究
  • 1 Target mimicry provides a new mechanism for regulation of microRNA activity
  • 2 Sucrose induction of Arabidopsis miR398 represses two Cu/Zn superoxide dismutases
  • 3 A Collection of Target Mimics for Comprehensive Analysis of MicroRNA Function in Arabidopsis thaliana
  • 4 Effective small rna destruction by the expression of a short tandem target mimic in arabidopsis
