HyperLeder Fabric源码解读(1)-gossip接口

该文件位于fabric项目的gossip文件夹下子gossip目录下,主要定义gossip service相关接口规范定义,实现可见GossipServiceImpl.go文件中。

package gossip

// 定义Gossip组件的接口规范
// Gossip is the interface of the gossip component
type Gossip interface {

    // 自身成员信息
    // SelfMembershipInfo returns the peer's membership information
    SelfMembershipInfo() discovery.NetworkMember

    // 自身通道信息:通过给定的channel获取对等节点最新的状态细信息
    // SelfChannelInfo returns the peer's latest StateInfo message of a given channel
    SelfChannelInfo(common.ChainID) *proto.SignedGossipMessage

    // 给远程的对等节点发送信息
    // Send sends a message to remote peers
    Send(msg *proto.GossipMessage, peers ...*comm.RemotePeer)

    // 给所有符合发送条件的对等节点发送信息
    // SendByCriteria sends a given message to all peers that match the given SendCriteria
    SendByCriteria(*proto.SignedGossipMessage, SendCriteria) error

    // 获取网络中还活着的成员
    // GetPeers returns the NetworkMembers considered alive
    Peers() []discovery.NetworkMember

    // 获取指定channel的网络中还活着的成员
    // PeersOfChannel returns the NetworkMembers considered alive
    // and also subscribed to the channel given
    PeersOfChannel(common.ChainID) []discovery.NetworkMember

    // 更新发现层自身的元数据 再由该对等节点向其他对等节点发布
    // UpdateMetadata updates the self metadata of the discovery layer
    // the peer publishes to other peers
    UpdateMetadata(metadata []byte)

    // 更新对等节点账本的高度
    // 通过指定的channel发布给其他对等节点
    // UpdateLedgerHeight updates the ledger height the peer
    // publishes to other peers in the channel
    UpdateLedgerHeight(height uint64, chainID common.ChainID)

    // 更新链码 该对等节点通过指定的channel发布给其他的对等节点
    // UpdateChaincodes updates the chaincodes the peer publishes
    // to other peers in the channel
    UpdateChaincodes(chaincode []*proto.Chaincode, chainID common.ChainID)

    // 向网络中其他对等节点发送信息
    // Gossip sends a message to other peers to the network
    Gossip(msg *proto.GossipMessage)

    // 接受一个子通道选择条件,返回符合指定条件对等节点身份
    // PeerFilter receives a SubChannelSelectionCriteria and returns a RoutingFilter that selects
    // only peer identities that match the given criteria, and that they published their channel participation
    PeerFilter(channel common.ChainID, messagePredicate api.SubChannelSelectionCriteria) (filter.RoutingFilter, error)

    // 返回一个专用的只读通道 发送消息给符合特定判断的其他节点
    // 当passThrough = false 消息有gossip层预先处理
    // 当passThrough = true  gossip层并不干涉,对应的消息能够发送一个回复给发送者
    // Accept returns a dedicated read-only channel for messages sent by other nodes that match a certain predicate.
    // If passThrough is false, the messages are processed by the gossip layer beforehand.
    // If passThrough is true, the gossip layer doesn't intervene and the messages
    // can be used to send a reply back to the sender
    Accept(acceptor common.MessageAcceptor, passThrough bool) (<-chan *proto.GossipMessage, <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage)

    // Gossip实例加入到channel
    // JoinChan makes the Gossip instance join a channel
    JoinChan(joinMsg api.JoinChannelMessage, chainID common.ChainID)

    // Gossip实例离开channel,不过该实例仍能发布状态信息 不再参与block pull的操作 也不再返回channel的其他对等节点列表
    // LeaveChan makes the Gossip instance leave a channel.
    // It still disseminates stateInfo message, but doesn't participate
    // in block pulling anymore, and can't return anymore a list of peers
    // in the channel.
    LeaveChan(chainID common.ChainID)

    // gossip实例来验证可疑对等节点的身份,一旦发现对应的peer身份无效 则会关闭其连接
    // SuspectPeers makes the gossip instance validate identities of suspected peers, and close
    // any connections to peers with identities that are found invalid
    SuspectPeers(s api.PeerSuspector)

    // 返回已知对等节点的身份
    // IdentityInfo returns information known peer identities
    IdentityInfo() api.PeerIdentitySet

    // 停止gossip组件
    // Stop stops the gossip component
// 组装gossip签名信息 在转发消息时提供给路由过滤器使用
// emittedGossipMessage encapsulates signed gossip message to compose
// with routing filter to be used while message is forwarded
type emittedGossipMessage struct {
    *proto.SignedGossipMessage                                // 签名的Gossip信息
    filter                     func(id common.PKIidType) bool // 过滤器根据指定公钥id来做筛选
// 定义如何发送一个消息(发送条件)
// SendCriteria defines how to send a specific message
type SendCriteria struct {
    Timeout    time.Duration        // Timeout defines the time to wait for acknowledgements 发送信息后等待确认的时长
    MinAck     int                  // MinAck defines the amount of peers to collect acknowledgements from 定义收集确认信息的最小对等节点数
    MaxPeers   int                  // MaxPeers defines the maximum number of peers to send the message to 定义信息发送的最大对等节点数
    IsEligible filter.RoutingFilter // IsEligible defines whether a specific peer is eligible of receiving the message 定义指定的对等节点是否符合接收信息的条件[通过routefilter筛选合适的对等节点]
    Channel    common.ChainID       // Channel specifies a channel to send this message on. \ 指定发送信息的通道[联盟路是可以存在多个账本,不同账本需要不同的通道来传递接收;指定通道的消息只有加入到通道的对等节点才能接收信息]
    // Only peers that joined the channel would receive this message
// 发送条件的字符串形式
// String returns a string representation of this SendCriteria
func (sc SendCriteria) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("channel: %s, tout: %v, minAck: %d, maxPeers: %d", sc.Channel, sc.Timeout, sc.MinAck, sc.MaxPeers)
// gossip组件的配置项
// Config is the configuration of the gossip component
type Config struct {
    BindPort            int      // Port we bind to, used only for tests  Gossip绑定的端口,仅用于测试环境
    ID                  string   // ID of this instance                   gossip的唯一标识ID
    BootstrapPeers      []string // Peers we connect to at startup  启动时连接的对等节点
    PropagateIterations int      // Number of times a message is pushed to remote peers 消息推送次数
    PropagatePeerNum    int      // Number of peers selected to push messages to 消息推送节点数

    MaxBlockCountToStore int // Maximum count of blocks we store in memory 区块缓冲区大小

    MaxPropagationBurstSize    int           // Max number of messages stored until it triggers a push to remote peers  消息推送缓冲区大小: 默认10条消息
    MaxPropagationBurstLatency time.Duration // Max time between consecutive message pushes  消息推送间隔(毫秒)

    PullInterval time.Duration // Determines frequency of pull phases 消息获取间隔(毫秒)
    PullPeerNum  int           // Number of peers to pull from 消息获取节点数

    SkipBlockVerification bool // Should we skip verifying block messages or not  是否验证区块消息

    PublishCertPeriod        time.Duration // Time from startup certificates are included in Alive messages  存活消息中推送证书的周期(秒)
    PublishStateInfoInterval time.Duration // Determines frequency of pushing state info messages to peers   状态消息推送间隔(秒)
    RequestStateInfoInterval time.Duration // Determines frequency of pulling state info messages from peers  状态消息获取间隔(秒)

    TLSCerts *common.TLSCertificates // TLS certificates of the peer   peer节点tls证书

    InternalEndpoint string // Endpoint we publish to peers in our organization   组织内部节点
    ExternalEndpoint string // Peer publishes this endpoint instead of SelfEndpoint to foreign organizations 组织外部节点

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