

51.A gas tax of one cent per gallon would raise one billion dollarsper year at current consumption rates. Since a tax of fifty cents per gallonwould therefore raise fifty billion dollars per year, it seems a perfect way todeal with the federal budget deficit. This tax would have the additionaladvantage that the resulting drop in the demand for gasoline would beecologically sound and would keep our country from being too dependent onforeign oil producers.

Which one of the following most clearly

identifies an error in the author’sreasoning?

(A) The author cites irrelevant data.

(B) The author relies on incorrect currentconsumption figures.

(C) The author makes incompatibleassumptions.

(D) The author mistakes an effect for acause.

(E) The author appeals to conscience ratherthan reason.

52.There is no reason why the work of scientists has to be officiallyconfirmed before being published. There is a system in place for theconfirmation or disconfirmation of scientific finding, namely, the replicationof results by other scientists. Poor scientific work on the part of any onescientist, which can include anything from careless reporting practices tofraud, is not harmful. It will be exposed and rendered harmless when otherscientists conduct the experiments and obtain dis confirmatory results.

Which one of the following, if true, wouldweaken the argument?

(A) Scientific experiments can gounchallenged for many years before they are replicated.

(B) Most scientists work in universities,where their work is submitted to peer review before publication.

(C) Most scientists are under pressure tomake their work accessible to the scrutiny of replication.

(D) In scientific experiments, carelessreporting is more common than fraud.

(E) Most scientists work as part of a teamrather than alone.

