Day 8, Page 71-80


1. I thought I was totally in the clear for the Invisible Chirag thing. But, boy, was I wrong.

be in the clear: to not be guilty of a crime/ to have no problems after being in a difficult situation

造句:I thought I was totally in the clear for the math exam stuff, but my brother didn't buy it. 

2. But I wish I just fessed up right away, because the fib totally backfired on me. 

fess up: 坦白,坦诚地说,相当于confess

fib: 谎言,无关紧要的小谎

造句:He fessed up right after his fib broke down.

3. It was really hard to limit myself to one gumdrop or one little crumb of gingerbread each night, but I managed to do it anyway.

It is really hard to limit somebody to something可以作为一个固定表达来用。

比如我们可以造句it is really hard to limit myself to 300 dollars per month. 

one little crumb一点儿,少许,相当于上文的a tiny piece

manage to do something 成功做成某事

造句:It is really hard to limit myself to 300 dollars per month, luckily, I always manage to borrow money from my friends. 


Lately, Rowley has been totally riding me. He reads the same comic books I read, drinks the same kind of soda I drink, you name it. Mom says I should be "flattered," but to be honest with you, it's totally creeping me out.

ride somebody: to bother somebody about something without giving up

you name it, 常用在列举的事物之后,表示“应有尽有,只要你能说出的”,相当于无限放大版的and so on

creep somebody out: give someone an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease

造句:Recently my brother has been riding me. He always hid himself under the desk, behind the bed, you name it, and frightened me. As you can imagine, the whole stuff really crept me out. 


Today I had a fight with my younger brother. And the whole story began with a hair-cut. My brother felt unsatisfied with his hair so he asked me to cut it short, though mom had done it once in the morning. I confessed maybe I went so far that the hair on his forehead was almost gone. Right after he looking in the mirror, he started punching my arm. You know, my brother might be small, but he could really punch. It rode me and hurt me so much that I let him have it, too. Then you may know the following chapter, and the whole story ended up with that both of us decided to never play with each other any more. 



drill someone, drill本意是“钻孔,打孔”的意思,这里接somebody的意思是培训,训练某人

break down 还可以用来指人“败露”

squeaky clean品行完美,一尘不染的,无可挑剔的

你可能感兴趣的:(Day 8, Page 71-80)