





- by Alan Deutsch


“上吧!” 他说。






我没有很多不利条件,除了一个致命的:我个子矮。我以前总是以为个子矮也不妨碍玩儿很多项体育,这也没错... ...在某种程度上。不过,是这样,攀岩时要去抓那一个个比你个子长的缺口似乎还真有点难,再加上我那木棍似的瘦胳膊,我真是挣扎着要把我这九十磅的身体往上拉一百五十尺。我爬到了大概中间段时,疲倦不堪,为自己的结局担忧。那会儿似乎没有任何地方可以下手,当然后来我发现很多同伴也都有处在我这样的困境。我又休息了几次,停在空中,接着我往后看了一下,看到身后那让我震撼的景色,也看到了山底下躺着的那些不起眼的小点儿。












Life Is A Rock

- by Alan Deutsch

​“Climb on!” He said.

I hoisted myself off the ground, grabbing rocks and pulling myself with all my strength, further extending the distance between me and the ground while also closing the distance between me and my death. Alex was climbing beside me, and we both knew we were committed as there was no turning back now. I had always had experience with climbing walls, but an actual rock wall of which the only man-made thing was a harness. I never would have dreamed of climbing on that. I was thrilled to obtain the bragging-rights of climbing a mountain, but I still had a long way to go to feel any form of accomplishment. I was climbing in the peak of the day, and it was as if the sheer heat was evaporating my will. I took a break, looking for a place to put my hands.

“Come on Alan!”

“You got this.”

They were indeed cheesy remarks, but I felt encouraged by my intent and vigilant audience.

I didn’t have many dis-advantages besides one deciding factor: I’m short. I had always thought that being short didn’t mean anything when doing many sports, which is true… to an extent. You see, It’s kind of hard to climb gaps taller than you, and with my sticks for arms, I really struggled with pulling my whole 90 pounds up a hundred fifty feet. I had gotten the middle section of my course, and I was weary of my turnout. It was almost like there was nowhere to put my hands, later I found out that many people had also reached that same dilemma. I took a few more breaks, or “takes” as they would call it. Then I looked behind me, and saw the breathtaking scenery, including the tiny dots lying down on the base of the hill.

I realized my true purpose right then right there at that moment. I'm not supposed to climb a wall to prove that I can. I'm supposed to climb a wall to challenge my limits, and with every thrust, every hoist, every pull, I make myself that much more limitless. So I took a risk, and grabbed that wall, not because I knew it was there, but because I didn't know it was there. I believed that it was there, and that was when my imagination became a reality. I took that wall and leaped up, arm by arm, leg by leg. I didn't stop for life's problems, I didn't stop for my doubts, I didn't stop for pressure. I climbed and climbed, scaling the wall, disposing of every last ounce of strength and when I ran out, I simply made more.

“Almost- “

I took a deep breath.


I grabbed a hold of the last rock, and beyond the shadow of doubt, I irrevocably touched the top of that mountain.

I yodeled out a loud “WOOOOHooooo” while looking at the astonishing view.

The crowd cheered as I came back down to Earth.

My eyes are open now, and I realize that there is no such thing as “limits.” You can set them to whatever you want. It just depends if you believe you can do it.

- August 2016, Shanghai  

注:本文的英文由我十三岁的儿子Alan Deutsch 创作。中文翻译由我本人原创。
