3 能力树到底长啥样?What is competency tree?
Now we all know we cannot let our competency growing into brushwood instead of a tree. Well what is competency tree exactly? There are three modes in two classifications:
一、 经(gu)典(ban)样式 Classical Mode
(1)逻辑树状 Logistic Tree
(2)金字塔状 Pyramid
二、 直(you)观(qu)样式 2.Direct Mode
一棵树 A Tree
4 如何应用能力树增强自己的职业竞争力?
How to use competency tree to improve our competitive advantage in career?
It's simple. Follow me. You can have your competency tree in three steps!
▲ 第一步,首先得有个应用目标
First Step, you should set a target.
A competency tree should have a trunk. The trunk will answer the purpose of the competency tree. There are huge gaps between a street performer and security officer in Wall street.
Some one might stop in this first question because he doesn't know what to do. If so, the question is very simple. You can just pick the whatever work you like. Why? Please refer to Zhihu website for the answer on how to select the first job".
▲ 第二步,画出个人的能力树
Second, draw your personal competency tree.
When the trunk(goal) is ready, the next step is to organize the competencies needed by the goal in forms of branches and leaves.
I'll demo the drawing steps using management consultant as one example. (it is so popular that 80% industry might refer to it).
1. 首先将能力分为4类,即从能力树的树干上分出4个枝杈
1.Competencies could be divided into four types, equivalent to 4 branches from the trunk of competency tree.
2. 分解每个树枝和树叶
2. decompose every branch and leaf
1. 一级分类分为核心素质、通用能力、专业技能和各类知识。覆盖全面,从而不再犯重知识、轻技能、忽视通用能力和核心素质的错误。
2. 核心素质和通用能力下的明细分类,相对完整,而且识别出了最基本的素质和能力。
Basically we learn two points from above:
1. The first-level classification can be divided into: Core competency, General competency, Professional Skills and General knowledge. All areas will be covered with no more mistake of focusing only on knowledge but ignoring others.
2. The detailed classification of core competency and general competency is quite perfect and the basic competencies are identified.
▲ 第三步,有步骤地点亮能力树
Third, Light up competency tree
It is only a method but not the purpose to draw competency tree. The purpose is to integrate different competencies with the application-oriented approach, and learners will be able to accumulate knowledge and skills actively. Therefore, after the competency tree, a chart will be listed in order to check the learning progress and manage the priorities and plans.
如果有条件将这张表格贴在醒目的地方,每天能提醒自己就更好了。或者像我一样,将它转换成OneNote笔记体系(可关注YouCore微信号,回复 “构建知识体系”获取)
It will be great to remind yourself everyday by pasting the chart to place easy to spot. Alternatively, it can be transferred to OneNote same as me.
Alright, these three simple steps: Identify competency purpose; Draw competency tree and Light up competency tree step by step, you will accumulate competencies much faster than others.
5 总结语 Conclusion
I always receive questions like this: "Sir, why can't I grow up more rapidly than others,even if I work so hard?" One of the reasons is if you accumulate your competencies tree with clear target or just become brushwood blindly.
1. 整体能力积累低效,甚至无效
2. 永远停留在浅层学习,能力积累深度不足
3. 能力分散,无法形成整体应用
Without the application -oriented approach, the competency brushwood brings no value to you. It will only lead to:
1. Low effective or invalid to accumulate overall competency
2.You will stay in surface learning forever and never go deep learning enough
3. Scattered competencies cannot be integrated into one.
Therefore, before we learn any knowledge and skills, please clarify the purpose, draw the personal competency tree based on the purpose, afterwards decide the priorities and plans of learning.