花之葬礼/The Funeral of the Dandelion【5/完】




















































The elf put away his memories, and listened to the beetle play a moon melody quietly.

They had become friends, travelling together in a narrow world of flowers and grasses in their briefly lighted lives.

The beetle collected one of the rose petals just before he left where Lady Rose and he had lived, and kept it in a pack bag, holding it during each night, as if he could hence rest his head in the scent of Lady Rose. But the elf had already given up. He loved girls, and he could always find company of pretty young girls wherever he went, killing off the lonely night with them.

However, it was a silent night without a single noisy, lively girl.

The moon melody ended in a vibrato with a huge drop of tear fell off from the beetle’s nose. Then the humble creature raised courage, rewarded himself a big smile. He held up the petal bag, inhaled a mouthful of flower scent.

The elf was just sitting quietly, enjoying the unusual stillness of being alone.

It was a marvellous forest, mysterious and graceful. Each curve of the grass leaf was elaborately designed, charming like women’s long hair, elegant as the long neck of a swan.

He couldn't remember how long it had been for him to enjoy sceneries quietly again, because he had always been busy with girls. He had experienced so many women. Although Lady Rose was a very beautiful one, she was not that unforgettable because there were so many other pretty young girls. Just like although spring was beautiful, for an adult however, the first sound of bird in the spring could not once again touch him and move him like what it had done long ago in his childhood. As for his first flower, she was a distant figure in the end of a curved long corridor and he could not see her clearly anymore. Her unique scent and colour had blurred in his memory.

But the beetle was different as he had only loved Lady Rose. So his memory about Lady Rose was much clearer and more vivid than the impression the elf would have for any of the girls he had experienced, including Lady Rose, though the beetle never won Lady Rose’s heart.

However, the elf suddenly felt lonely again tonight, when everything was in silence, when the beetle was sleeping tight on the petal bag with a drop of tear near his eyes. This loneliness was a mellow wine that retrieved his first memory, choke him to tears.

The elf closed up his wings, walking into the extremely elegant forest.

He could hear laughter of girls getting aloud, and soon he saw a palace of flowers from distance as he followed where the laughter came from. After passing a number of exotic plants hanging romantic translucent curtains, he saw a glorious lady being crowded and couldn’t help calling: “Lady Rose…”

Everybody laughed. 

So did the crowned glorious lady.

Not until then did he find that although she looked alike to Lady Rose, she had magical blue hair instead of passionate red hair.

She looked down at him, just like an empress looked at her subject. Then she smiled and talked to the waiting lady nearby. The elf was invited to spend the night with the Queen of flower.

It was an extravagant dinner.

The elf learnt from the conversation with other flowers that Lady Rose was the younger sister of the Queen, which was why she had such a long life expectancy and impressive beauty. But the Queen was jealous of the royal sister and worried that she might usurp her throne. Lady Rose, however, was so untrammelled and she didn't like the complex and corrupt royal life, and she had left the palace when she was young. This satisfied the Queen’s wish, but she still sent people to know what was going on with Rose, until she learnt that her younger sister died in the hand of the charming elf.

“So, your majesty also want to taste the charming love which had attracted Rose?” the elf asked in calm.

The Queen rewarded him a beautiful smile. The silk curtain behind her flashed extravagantly; the decoration of the palace was so intoxicating.

Elves were born to attract women. But the Queen had met a number of elves just as Lady Rose. So he was so confused why the Queen chose him – he was merely an ordinary.

And he was right. The next morning when he woke up, the palace, the servants as well as the Queen had all disappeared. He knew she abandoned him; he knew such an ordinary as him could not satisfy the wishes of her majesty, which was perhaps too expensive a love for him to afford. Maybe that’s why she left for somewhere they would truly belong to, with all her belongings, and didn’t even say goodbye.

But as he came back, he was given a package by the shivering beetle.

“What’s that?” he asked, unconcerned.

A crown of flower appeared as he unfolded the silk handkerchief.

“The Queen…the Queen told me to hand it to you,” the beetle cried, “perhaps she’s in love with you!”

The elf was a bit surprised.

“And she added,” the beetle stared at the elf with unnecessary admiration, “she had to go now; otherwise you could make the entire kingdom of flowers lose their Queen!”

The elf lifted the crown quietly, and a roll of sealed paper fell out. With neat handwriting of the Queen it said: “What is your expectation?”

The initial confusion of life, fears, comfort, struggle, the gain of power and energy…all the memories were pounding his soul, he felt as if someone captured his wings ruthlessly, and at meantime the codes of lives hidden in the lines and grains of wings were unfolded in front of him…He was striving to decrypt and memorise them: the scrambling codes gradually came into order, becoming acoustic, from meaningless to appealing aloud…

Suddenly the elf flew off. The looks in his eyes were as scattered as his messy hair, crazy and even scary.

The beetle was frightened. He grabbed his bag and started flapping awkwardly…the Queen’s flashy crown fell to the ground into gaudy pieces.

The elf landed in an abandoned garden in the sunshine of autumn. The mound looked strange but familiar… Although it was now covered by withered leaves, the original shape was still faintly visible.

…He could even see his last two feet prints, deeply hidden in the dry weeds.

…Even her beautiful smile appeared…her inevitable fate of withering was his unavoidable sorrow. But this miserable destiny could never rub away the evidence of her existence, even if it was the pain in his heart – or instead, the permanent happiness inside his memory…

The elf cried like a little child.

The beetle didn't know what to do, but he was moved by the most wronged cries. All in a sudden, sorrows of life that were hidden by laughter all drifted to the surface. He saw the fresh new leaves, but also the aging and dying ones which used to be neglected…He heard the silence of the funeral, so silent that his ear drum ached, but also the young laughter as well as the last cries of creatures, which mixed up contradictorily, boisterously…

The beetle sat on the ground, exhausted, with strange sorrows fulfilled his heart which choked him so hard.

And when he finally raised his head, he found that somehow the elf had torn down his wings and stuck them into the lump of soil. And the elf had disappeared in his sight.

Instead of seeing the elf again when he looked around, the beetle saw an entire garden that needed caring.

So he settled down here; the petal bag safely in his arms.

How peaceful the winter was.

And when the next spring came, the beetle noticed a new grass growing from the mound, opening golden and shiny flowers.

This was a dandelion.

After the withering of the flowers, there were pompons as white as the wings of an angel.

Each time the breeze came, the innocent thoughts carried by fluffs spread all around.

And when he looked through the floating pure fluffs into the brilliant blue sky, he felt as if he saw the elf again: he was quietly taking care of his favourite flower, patiently accompanying her till the end of her life, no matter happy or sorrow the ending was to be.





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