小屁孩日记11 double down p173-181解析

2016.2.18 周六 晨读 小屁孩日记11 double down p173-181 解析

1.Mom said it's better to leave a party when it's going strong than when it's fizzling out ( =to gradually end, often in a disappointing or weak way,come to an end常用来形容兴趣、关系的减少).

造句:他们离开这里去了不同的大学然后他们的关系就这样结束了。They went off to different universities and their relationship just fizzled out.

2.The guy in the woodwind section started giving me a hard time. Even Jake McGough is got in on the act (= to take part in an activity that someone else is doing, in order to gain some of the advantages for yourself为了得到好处等参与,插一手,分一杯羹).

回顾:p55 I guess they (dogs) saw our warm fires and cosy ( 还有什么同义词?p56 cushiony) caves and wanted to get in on the action. So they wagged their tails and did a few tricks and that all it took.

3.When I told mom and dad I was thinking about quitting the band, dad said that wasn’t an option ( = choice).

4.My instrument cost me a lot of money. 

cost take spend 怎么用?

cost take只能用物做主语spend可以用人做主语 it takes me minutes to get it down.

5.  perseverance怎么读?/ˌpɝsə'vɪrəns/ 下面的单词呢? 


penalize /'pinəlaɪz/

compare /kəm'pɛr/    

comparable  /'kɑmpərəbl/

wild /waɪld/animal      

bewilder /bɪ'wɪldɚ/

6.我告诉爸爸我会继续练习法国号,爸爸很开心,我以为我逃过了一劫,免与惩罚了。I though I was off the hook(=used to describe someone who has avoided trouble or punishment).

回顾:p150拓展了let / get sth off the hook

小屁孩日记11 double down p173-181解析_第1张图片
off the hook

7.I figured Rowley’s been in the band for a while and knows a thing or two about ( know one or two things对...略知一二,有所了解)instrument.

拓展:know one's stuff 对某领域了如指掌

know one‘s stuff

8.I never technically learned how to play my instrument, but I did figure out how to get by (=to do enough or to do well enough to avoid failure勉强过活勉强应付)

造句:我的英语不是很好,但是勉强可以应付。My English isn’t very good, but I get by.

get by on:I couldn’t possibly get by on £500 a month.

get by with:You could probably get by with that computer, but a more powerful one would be better.

9.I realized if I just piggybacked on( 背某人 骑在某人身上 引申为利用) him and pretended I was playing he could do the work for both of us.

利用还有什么词组?提示 capital  capitalize on利用


1.背某人 骑在某人身上 carrying someone on your back or shoulders

Her father gave her a piggyback. = Her father gave her a piggyback ride. [=her father carried her on his back]

2.利用 借助 If you piggyback on something that someone else has thought of or done, you use it to your advantage. 

I was just piggybacking on Stokes's idea...我只是借用了斯托克斯的想法。

They are piggybacking onto developed technology.他们在搭先进技术的顺风车。

10.I couldn't believe Evan would hang me out to dry (= to leave (someone or something) in a helpless or unprotected state 见死不救)like that.I thought the brass section supposed to have each other's backs(=support each other 支持彼此).

hang sb out to dry

get / have sb’s back支持人   I get your back.别怕有我支持你

11. have / take a seat 代替sit down,please

12.将心比心 换位思考 怎么说? 提示 shoe 。put ourself into someone else’s shoe

造句:If you put yourself into my position and walk for a while, you’ll understand why I act like this.

想说别人“站着说话不腰疼”,可以这样说:If you were standing in my shoes, you wouldn't say that / do that. 或者说:If you put yourself into my shoes, you would know what I meant / how I felt.

13.皮皮神翻译:我本将心向明月,奈何明月照沟渠。 All I need is XX, but all XX need is OO.

14.中英文差异,不要直译,要说你见到过的表达。比如开party是throw hold have 而不是open。

更多上网流量怎么说?more internet data 而不是traffic,traffic是访问量

我在倒时差怎么说。时差你是没法改变的,调整的是时差造成的不适。I'm getting over the (feeling of) jet lag.(jet lag means being tired and confused after a long plane journey, particularly when there is a big difference in time between the two countries.)

15. 关于语音学习可以不列为重点了 更多精力放在说什么上 eric 提到新概念前言讲到 重要的not how much you know, but how well you use it . 其实我们知道很多表达,但是都没有用出来。现在要刻意练习,提升真实的用英语的能力。

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