




// MARK: - Error

public enum SwiftyJSONError: Int, Swift.Error {
    case unsupportedType = 999
    case indexOutOfBounds = 900
    case elementTooDeep = 902
    case wrongType = 901
    case notExist = 500
    case invalidJSON = 490

extension SwiftyJSONError: CustomNSError {

    /// return the error domain of SwiftyJSONError
    public static var errorDomain: String { return "com.swiftyjson.SwiftyJSON" }

    /// return the error code of SwiftyJSONError
    public var errorCode: Int { return self.rawValue }

    /// return the userInfo of SwiftyJSONError
    public var errorUserInfo: [String: Any] {
        switch self {
        case .unsupportedType:
            return [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "It is an unsupported type."]
        case .indexOutOfBounds:
            return [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Array Index is out of bounds."]
        case .wrongType:
            return [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Couldn't merge, because the JSONs differ in type on top level."]
        case .notExist:
            return [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Dictionary key does not exist."]
        case .invalidJSON:
            return [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "JSON is invalid."]
        case .elementTooDeep:
            return [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Element too deep. Increase maxObjectDepth and make sure there is no reference loop."]


  • unsupportedType 不支持的类型
  • indexOutOfBounds 索引越界
  • elementTooDeep 查找的元素深度过大
  • wrongType 错误类型
  • notExist 字典的key不存在
  • invalidJSON JSON无效



public enum Type: Int {
    case number
    case string
    case bool
    case array
    case dictionary
    case null
    case unknown



public struct JSON {

    public init(data: Data, options opt: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = []) throws {
        let object: Any = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: opt)
        self.init(jsonObject: object)

    public init(_ object: Any) {
        switch object {
        case let object as Data:
            do {
                try self.init(data: object)
            } catch {
                self.init(jsonObject: NSNull())
            self.init(jsonObject: object)

    public init(parseJSON jsonString: String) {
        if let data = jsonString.data(using: .utf8) {
        } else {

     其中所有的对象必须是NSString/String, NSNumber/Int/Float/Double/Bool, NSArray/Array, NSDictionary/Dictionary, or NSNull;
    fileprivate init(jsonObject: Any) {
        self.object = jsonObject

     Merges another JSON into this JSON, whereas primitive values which are not present in this JSON are getting added,
     present values getting overwritten, array values getting appended and nested JSONs getting merged the same way.
     - parameter other: The JSON which gets merged into this JSON
     - throws `ErrorWrongType` if the other JSONs differs in type on the top level.
    public mutating func merge(with other: JSON) throws {
        try self.merge(with: other, typecheck: true)

     Merges another JSON into this JSON and returns a new JSON, whereas primitive values which are not present in this JSON are getting added,
     present values getting overwritten, array values getting appended and nested JSONS getting merged the same way.
     - parameter other: The JSON which gets merged into this JSON
     - throws `ErrorWrongType` if the other JSONs differs in type on the top level.
     - returns: New merged JSON
    public func merged(with other: JSON) throws -> JSON {
        var merged = self
        try merged.merge(with: other, typecheck: true)
        return merged

     Private woker function which does the actual merging
     Typecheck is set to true for the first recursion level to prevent total override of the source JSON
    fileprivate mutating func merge(with other: JSON, typecheck: Bool) throws {
        if self.type == other.type {
            switch self.type {
            case .dictionary:
                for (key, _) in other {
                    try self[key].merge(with: other[key], typecheck: false)
            case .array:
                self = JSON(self.arrayValue + other.arrayValue)
                self = other
        } else {
            if typecheck {
                throw SwiftyJSONError.wrongType
            } else {
                self = other

    /// Private object
    fileprivate var rawArray: [Any] = []
    fileprivate var rawDictionary: [String: Any] = [:]
    fileprivate var rawString: String = ""
    fileprivate var rawNumber: NSNumber = 0
    fileprivate var rawNull: NSNull = NSNull()
    fileprivate var rawBool: Bool = false

    /// JSON type, fileprivate setter
    public fileprivate(set) var type: Type = .null

    /// Error in JSON, fileprivate setter
    public fileprivate(set) var error: SwiftyJSONError?

    /// Object in JSON
    public var object: Any {
        get {
            switch self.type {
            case .array:
                return self.rawArray
            case .dictionary:
                return self.rawDictionary
            case .string:
                return self.rawString
            case .number:
                return self.rawNumber
            case .bool:
                return self.rawBool
                return self.rawNull
        set {
            error = nil
            switch unwrap(newValue) {
            case let number as NSNumber:
                if number.isBool {
                    type = .bool
                    self.rawBool = number.boolValue
                } else {
                    type = .number
                    self.rawNumber = number
            case let string as String:
                type = .string
                self.rawString = string
            case _ as NSNull:
                type = .null
            case nil:
                type = .null
            case let array as [Any]:
                type = .array
                self.rawArray = array
            case let dictionary as [String: Any]:
                type = .dictionary
                self.rawDictionary = dictionary
                type = .unknown
                error = SwiftyJSONError.unsupportedType

    /// The static null JSON
    public static var null: JSON { return JSON(NSNull()) }


/// Private method to unwarp an object recursively
private func unwrap(_ object: Any) -> Any {
    switch object {
    case let json as JSON:
        return unwrap(json.object)
    case let array as [Any]:
        return array.map(unwrap)
    case let dictionary as [String: Any]:
        var unwrappedDic = dictionary
        for (k, v) in dictionary {
            unwrappedDic[k] = unwrap(v)
        return unwrappedDic
        return object



public enum Index: Comparable {
    case array(Int)
    case dictionary(DictionaryIndex)
    case null

    static public func == (lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
        switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case (.array(let left), .array(let right)):
            return left == right
        case (.dictionary(let left), .dictionary(let right)):
            return left == right
        case (.null, .null): return true
            return false

    static public func < (lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
        switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case (.array(let left), .array(let right)):
            return left < right
        case (.dictionary(let left), .dictionary(let right)):
            return left < right
            return false


public typealias JSONIndex = Index
public typealias JSONRawIndex = Index

extension JSON: Swift.Collection {

    public typealias Index = JSONRawIndex

    public var startIndex: Index {
        switch type {
        case .array:
            return .array(rawArray.startIndex)
        case .dictionary:
            return .dictionary(rawDictionary.startIndex)
            return .null

    public var endIndex: Index {
        switch type {
        case .array:
            return .array(rawArray.endIndex)
        case .dictionary:
            return .dictionary(rawDictionary.endIndex)
            return .null

    public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
        switch i {
        case .array(let idx):
            return .array(rawArray.index(after: idx))
        case .dictionary(let idx):
            return .dictionary(rawDictionary.index(after: idx))
            return .null

    public subscript (position: Index) -> (String, JSON) {
        switch position {
        case .array(let idx):
            return (String(idx), JSON(self.rawArray[idx]))
        case .dictionary(let idx):
            let (key, value) = self.rawDictionary[idx]
            return (key, JSON(value))
            return ("", JSON.null)



// MARK: - Subscript

 *  String和Int类型都能用于下标
public enum JSONKey {
    case index(Int)
    case key(String)

public protocol JSONSubscriptType {
    var jsonKey: JSONKey { get }

extension Int: JSONSubscriptType {
    public var jsonKey: JSONKey {
        return JSONKey.index(self)

extension String: JSONSubscriptType {
    public var jsonKey: JSONKey {
        return JSONKey.key(self)

extension JSON {

    /// array类型的下标操作
    fileprivate subscript(index index: Int) -> JSON {
        get {
            if self.type != .array {
                var r = JSON.null
                r.error = self.error ?? SwiftyJSONError.wrongType
                return r
            } else if self.rawArray.indices.contains(index) {
                return JSON(self.rawArray[index])
            } else {
                var r = JSON.null
                r.error = SwiftyJSONError.indexOutOfBounds
                return r
        set {
            if self.type == .array &&
                self.rawArray.indices.contains(index) &&
                newValue.error == nil {
                self.rawArray[index] = newValue.object

    /// dictionary类型的下标操作
    fileprivate subscript(key key: String) -> JSON {
        get {
            var r = JSON.null
            if self.type == .dictionary {
                if let o = self.rawDictionary[key] {
                    r = JSON(o)
                } else {
                    r.error = SwiftyJSONError.notExist
            } else {
                r.error = self.error ?? SwiftyJSONError.wrongType
            return r
        set {
            if self.type == .dictionary && newValue.error == nil {
                self.rawDictionary[key] = newValue.object

    /// 根据JSONSubscriptType判断使用的方法 
    fileprivate subscript(sub sub: JSONSubscriptType) -> JSON {
        get {
            switch sub.jsonKey {
            case .index(let index): return self[index: index]
            case .key(let key): return self[key: key]
        set {
            switch sub.jsonKey {
            case .index(let index): self[index: index] = newValue
            case .key(let key): self[key: key] = newValue

     let json = JSON[data]
     let path = [9,"list","person","name"]
     let name = json[path]
    public subscript(path: [JSONSubscriptType]) -> JSON {
        get {
            return path.reduce(self) { $0[sub: $1] }
        set {
            switch path.count {
            case 0:
            case 1:
                self[sub:path[0]].object = newValue.object
                var aPath = path
                aPath.remove(at: 0)
                var nextJSON = self[sub: path[0]]
                nextJSON[aPath] = newValue
                self[sub: path[0]] = nextJSON

    public subscript(path: JSONSubscriptType...) -> JSON {
        get {
            return self[path]
        set {
            self[path] = newValue
