3.1Implementing the Search Engine of a Forward State Space Planner


import random
import heapq
import logging
from search import searchspace
from planning_task import Task
from heuristics import BlindHeuristic

def a_star(task, heuristic=BlindHeuristic):
    Searches for a plan in the given task using A* search.

    @param task The task to be solved
    @param heuristic  A heuristic callable which computes the estimated steps
                      from a search node to reach the goal.
    # get the initial info and then store the current states
    current_state = task.initial_state
    # a data structure storing the heuristic values on the same level
    heap = []
    # a list store the node chosen
    Node_list = []

    # build up a root node
    node = searchspace.make_root_node(current_state)
    heuristic_value_node = {}  # a dic, map from heuristic_value to (nodes)

    # if the goal state have not been achieved
    while not task.goal_reached(current_state):

        successors = task.get_successor_states(current_state)  # get the successors of current_state

        if not successors:  # if there is no successors, then this search is failed.
            return False

        # go through all the successors and choose the best as the next state
        for successor in successors:
            # build up a child node
            node = searchspace.make_child_node(Node_list[len(Node_list) - 1], successor[0], successor[1])

            # calculate the f(n)
            f_value = heuristic(node) + node.g
            if f_value not in heap:
                heapq.heappush(heap, f_value)  # push one heuristic_value into heap

            if f_value in heuristic_value_node:
                # push the node into the nodes set in the dic
                heuristic_value_node[f_value] = set()  # create a set in dic
                heuristic_value_node[f_value].add(node)  # push the node into the nodes set in the dic

        # choose this node as the next node
        best_node = heuristic_value_node[heap[0]].pop()
        # then choose it as the next state
        best_state = best_node.state

        # if the heuristic_value has no corresponding node then delete it
        if heuristic_value_node[heap[0]] == set():
            del heuristic_value_node[heapq.heappop(heap)]

        # choose the final current_best_state as the next state
        current_state = best_state

        # push the final current_best_node chosen into node_list

    return Node_list.pop().extract_solution()  # return the solution



基于Greedy Search的planner

import heapq
import logging
from search import searchspace
from planning_task import Task
from heuristics import BlindHeuristic

def gbfs(task, heuristic=BlindHeuristic):
    Searches for a plan in the given task using Greedy Best First Search search.

    @param task The task to be solved
    @param heuristic  A heuristic callable which computes the estimated steps
                      from a search node to reach the goal.
    # a list of current best states, get the initial info and then store the current states
    current_state_list = [task.initial_state]
    # a data structure storing the heuristic values on the same level
    heap = []
    # build up a root node
    node = searchspace.make_root_node(task.initial_state)
    # store the best node option at present
    best_node =[node]

    while True:

        # the best_node as the father node for the current level nodes
        father_node_list = best_node
        best_state = []  # store the best state option at present
        best_node = []  # store the best node option at present

        for state_index in range(0, len(current_state_list)):
            # get the successors of current_state
            successors = task.get_successor_states(current_state_list[state_index])

            same_level_Node_list = []  # a list, store the node formed on the some level
            heuristic_value_list = []  # a list, store all the heuristic value

            if not successors:  # if there is no successors, then this search is failed.
                return False

            # go through all the successors and choose the best as the next state
            for successor in successors:
                # build up a child node
                node = searchspace.make_child_node(father_node_list[state_index], successor[0], successor[1])
                # calculate the f(n)
                f_value = heuristic(node)
                # push one heuristic_value into heap
                heapq.heappush(heap, f_value)
                # push current f(n) into the list

            # go through all the heuristic values
            for index in range(0, len(heuristic_value_list)):
                # if its' heuristic value is the smallest in all heuristic values

                if heuristic_value_list[index] == heap[0]:
                    best_state.append(successors[index][1])  # then choose it as the next state .

                    best_node.append(same_level_Node_list[index])  # choose this node as the next node

            # refresh the heap list for the next iteration.
            heap = []

        # choose the final current_best_state as the next state
        current_state_list = best_state

        # check whether there is a state satisfying the goal state
        for current_state in current_state_list:

            # this state does not satisfy the goal state
            if not task.goal_reached(current_state):
                for index in range(0, len(current_state_list)):
                    # get the final node, which satisfies the goal
                    if task.goal_reached(current_state_list[index]):
                        last_node = best_node[index]
                        # return the solution
                        return last_node.extract_solution()




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