
【弟兄姐妹】Brothers and Sisters

0013 - 1990.12.6  (西班牙语)

How are you? How are you? How is it going My Sons, My Daughters? My Sons and Daughters, how are you? This is your Father. This is your Father. Oh, how is it going? How is it? Oh, did you read the Bible? Did you read the Bible today? Ah, why not? Why didn't you read it today? Oh, you have to read it. You have to read it everyday, for there is My Word, My Straight Word, the Straight Word. Oh, read the Bible. Read the Bible My Sons. Read the Bible My Sons and My Daughters. Yes, Yes My Sons and Daughters, I am here. I am here in Heaven, and inside your chest, and inside your chest. This is the Father. This is the Father.


Hear Me! Hear Me, My Sons, and My Daughters the time has arrived. It has arrived My Sons and Daughters. Oh, I love you so much. I love you so much with all of My Heart. I love you with My Heart. Yes, yes, like I am telling you. Like I am telling you all that has happened, all that has happened. Oh, in Heaven, the Christ is fighting with the devil. Yes, this minute. This minute with all of the Angels, with all the Angels. He is fighting. He is fighting. There are millions, millions, millions, of devils, but there's My Son. My Son is going to win, is going to win.


Hear Me! Hear Me! Make yourself ready. Make yourself ready for the time has arrived, the time has arrived. Yes, yes, My Son, My Daughter. Yes, I love you so much. I love you so much. I love you with all of My Heart, with all of My Heart. Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me!, My Sons, My Sons, My Sons. Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me, My Sons.


Oh, Oh, Oh, I love you so much. I love you so much. Yes, I love you. I love you very much. I love you very much. I love you very much. I am your Father. I am your Father. I am your Father. I am your Father, Oh, yes, with tears, with tears in My Eyes, with tears in My Eyes. For the ones, I am going to lose, for I am going to lose them. For they didn't hear Me. They didn't hear Me. They didn't see Me, and they didn't see Me. What a shame! What a shame! I am there. I am there in front of you. Yes, touch Me. Touch Me with your hands, with your heart, with your mind. Oh, Oh, Oh, Touch Me! Touch Me! Yes! Yes! Yes! I am Pure Love. I am Pure Love. I am Pure Love. Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me, I am Pure Love, Love, and the Righteous, and the Righteous. Oh, Oh, Oh, Help Me. Help Me. Help Me.


Tell all of your brothers, and sisters. Tell them, tell all your brothers, and sisters. The War has started. The War has started, the War of the World, and the War of Heaven, and your Christ, and your Christ is fighting. For what's His. For what is His. I gave Him all that is Good, all that is Good. Yes, He is fighting for you. He is fighting for you. For He loves you. He loves you so much. He loves you so much with all of His Heart. He doesn't stop day or night. He doesn't stop with His Angels all the days, all the nights. He is Fighting, Fighting, Fighting. For We have started to win. We have started to win, all the Saints, all the Saints of the World. Oh, oh, Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me! Tell your sons, and your Daughters, and your brothers, and sisters, and your fathers, and mothers. For the day has started, the Day has started. Call Me! Call Me! Call Me! Call Me for I am here. I am here if you want to see your brothers, and sisters in Heaven. Ah, you have to tell them the truth. You have to tell them the truth.


For the Date has started. The Date of the Bible, the Date of the Bible. Hear Me! Hear Me! Tell your brother, and your sister. Yes don't fight. Don't fight for I am there looking at you. Don't fight, you all have to work together. You all have to work together. For there is only ONE Body. For there is only ONE Body of Christ. Only ONE Body of Christ in the Bible of the Church. There is only ONE Body. You have to, you have to, you have to make Peace. You have to make Peace with your brothers, and sisters. You have to. You have to have Love. You have to have Love for everyone, for everyone, the ones that are sick, and the ones that are in jail.... Oh yes!... You have to Love the ones that died too. Yes, you have to Love them too. For by chance, there is a chance, they might go, they can go. That they can be saved.


Hurry up! Pray, Pray, Pray with all of your heart. Pray with all of your heart. Right now! Don't stop. Don't stop Praying. Look at the Bible. Look at the Bible. All you need to know is in there, and it will help you. The Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is going to help you. Read to everyone. Read to everyone. Ah, and Pray, Pray everyday. Pray in the morning. Pray at night. Pray in the day. Ah, in that way it will give Me Joy. It will give Me lots of Joy. This is your Father. This is your Father. Oh, it gives Me lots of Joy, when you read the Bible. Yes, Yes. This is your Father.


Read the Bible. Read the Bible for there is everything that is straight, straight, straight. Together, together read it together, together, together. For the more, the more, the more you read, I will be able to hear you. The more, I will be able to hear you, but don't fight, don't fight. Hurry, Hurry will you please, would you please. Read, Read the Bible. Don't fight. Don't' fight. Ah, Ah, watch out, watch out for the devil is there to. The devil is there to in the churches, in the churches. When you are reading the Bible. He is there too. He knows the Bible very well. He knows the Bible very well too. He knows, he knows it from the Front to the Back, from the Front to the Back, and from the Back to the Front, and from the Back to the Front. He knows it. He knows it for sure. Oh, yes, he is very educated. He is very educated. But he doesn't know Righteousness. He doesn't know Righteousness. NO! NO! But you know Righteousness. You know Righteousness.


Hurry, put on your coat. Put on the coat of God. Put on the coat of God. Put on the coat of God. For God is the manner, and the life of all that's there is in the Light, in the Light in Heaven, in Heaven. Hear Me! Put on the coat. Put on the coat. Put on the cap of God. Put on the cap of God. Yes, yes. Ah, and the knife, the knife of God also, use it My Sons. Use it, cut the devil. Cut the devil. Cut him in the head. Cut his body. Cut all of him. Ah, you have to protect yourself, you have to protect yourself. Oh yes, you have to protect yourself. For no one is going to help, only the Holy Spirit, and God, and Me your Father, and the Body of the Bible, and the Body of God, and the Body of the Church all of us together, all of us together, are going to go, to Heaven, to Heaven with My Son, with Me, and the Holy Spirit. Oh, We are going to be joyful. We are going to be very joyful for We won, for We have won, for We have won.


Hear Me! Hear Me! Yes, Hear Me, My Sons and My Daughters. Oh, you're very precious, you're very precious to Me. Hurry, fight, fight with the devil. Don't fear. Don't fear. You have Won. You have Won. You have already Won, so don't fear. Ah, use the saw. Use the knife. Use all that you want for you have Won. You have Won. You have Won the fight. You just have to watch out, for the devil wants to eat you. He wants to eat you. He wants to scare you. He wants to frighten you, but if you want to save yourself, if you want to save yourself. Read the Bible. Read the Bible. Yes, the Word of God, and the Word of God is going to save you. It is going to save you. Ah, Yes, the Word, the Word of Words, the Word of Words of Words. Yes, it is My Word, My Word for I am everything. I am everything Straight, all the Good, all the Good.

听我说!听我说!是的,听我说,我的儿子们,我的女儿们,你们非常宝贵,对我来说你们都特别宝贵。快点,起来与魔鬼争战!去争战!不要惧怕,不要惧怕,你们已经得胜,你们已经得胜,你们已经得胜!因此不要惧怕。啊,用锯子,用刀,用你想要的一切武器,因为你已经赢了,你已经赢了,你已经赢得这场战斗。你只需要小心,因为魔鬼想吃掉你,他想吃了你,他想吓唬你,他想恐吓你,但如果你想得救,如果你想要救自己,就要多读圣经,多读圣经。是的,神的话,神的话,将会拯救你,会拯救你。啊,是的,这道,远超过一切话语的道,是的,这是我的话语,我的话语!是的,因为我是昔在今在永在的神,我是一切的一切。 我是一切的正直公义,我是一切的美善,我是一切的美善。

Ah, Yes, Hear Me! Hear Me! Ah, this is the Father of Jesus. The Father of Jesus. You have to Hear Me! For I cannot help you, if you don't help yourself. You have to help yourself. You have to help yourself. Oh, you have to use your mind, and the Holy Spirit will help you. He is going to help you, but you have to do it yourself, with your mind, and your heart, and then the Holy Spirit will come to you. Hear Me! Hear Me!



1. 马太福音12:50


2. 马可福音3:35

凡遵行 神旨意的人就是我的弟兄姐妹和母亲了。”

3. 雅各书2:15-16

