




function get_my_name($name){
    return 'my name is '.$name;
echo get_my_name('lilei'); // my name is lilei
echo '
'; ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); error_reporting(E_ALL); /*function 1_get_number($i){ // 网页无法正常运作 return 'I get a number:'.$i; }*/ /*function get_number%_($i){ // 网页无法正常运作 return 'I get a number:'.$i; }*/ echo add_function(1, 2); // 3 echo '
'; function add_function($x, $y){ return $x + $y; } $bool = FALSE; // var_dump(get_a_bool($bool)); // Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_a_bool() echo '
'; if ($bool) { function get_a_bool($bool){ return $bool; } } // get_a_bool($bool); // Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_a_bool() echo '
'; if ($bool) { var_dump(get_a_bool($bool)); // bool(true) echo '
'; } function have_a_function(){ function another_function(){ return 'I am anther function'; } return 'I have a function'; } // echo another_function(); // Fatal error: Call to undefined function another_function() echo '
'; echo have_a_function(); // I have a function echo '
'; echo another_function(); // I am anther function echo '
'; function use_a_function($x, $y){ return add_function($x, $y); } echo use_a_function(1, 2); echo '
'; // 3 /*function another_function(){ // Fatal error: Cannot redeclare another_function() return 'I am anther function'; }*/ echo Another_function(); // I am anther function echo '
'; echo Another_Function(); // I am anther function echo '
'; echo Another_FUNCTION(); // I am anther function echo '
'; function echo_x_10($x){ if ($x <= 10) { echo $x; echo '
'; echo_x_10(++$x); } } echo_x_10(1); /* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 */
  • 合法的函数名应该由以字母,数字,下划线构成且不能以数字开头。
  • 函数定义之前被调用,但如果函数的定义是有条件的则必须先定义再调用。
  • php函数具有全局作用域,即可以在函数中定义和调用函数。
  • php函数不能重复定义。
  • 函数名对大小写不敏感,但是应该保持调用和定义的统一。
  • 函数内部可以继续调用自身,这种行为被称为递归。



function have_no_paramater(){
    return 'This is a function without paramater';
echo have_no_paramater(); // This is a function without paramater
echo '
'; function have_a_paramater($paramater){ return 'This is a function has a paramater:'.$paramater; } echo have_a_paramater('paramater'); // This is a function has a paramater:paramater echo '
'; function person_introduction($name, $age){ return 'my name is '.$name.', I am '.$age.' years old.'; } echo person_introduction('lilei', '12'); // my name is lilei, I am 12 years old. echo '
'; function person_introduction_from_array($introduction){ return 'my name is '.$introduction['name'].', I am '.$introduction['age'].' years old.'; } echo person_introduction_from_array(['name' => 'lilei', 'age' => '12']); // my name is lilei, I am 12 years old. echo '
'; $y = 3; function add_1($x){ $x++; return $x; } echo add_1($y); // 4 echo '
'; echo $y; echo '
'; // 3 function add_2(&$x){ $x += 2; return $x; } echo add_2($y); // 5 echo '
'; echo $y; echo '
'; // 5 function without_default_paramater($x){ echo '$x='.$x; echo '
'; } without_default_paramater(); // Warning: Missing argument 1 for without_default_paramater(), called in ... and defined in ... // Notice: Undefined variable: x in ... // $x= function with_default_paramater($x=5){ echo '$x='.$x; echo '
'; } with_default_paramater(); // $x=5 with_default_paramater(7); // $x=7 $y = 4; with_default_paramater($y); // $x=4 /*function with_default_paramater($x=$y){ // Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$y' (T_VARIABLE) in echo '$x='.$x; echo '
'; }*/ function without_default_paramater_return_value($x){ return $x; } echo without_default_paramater_return_value(5); // 5 echo '
'; /*function with_default_paramater($x=without_default_paramater_return_value(5)){ // Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ')' in echo '$x='.$x; echo '
'; }*/ const NUMBER_PARAMATER = 8; function with_default_paramater_const($x=NUMBER_PARAMATER){ echo '$x='.$x; echo '
'; } with_default_paramater_const(); // $x=8 function with_two_paramater($x, $y = 4){ echo '$x='.$x; echo '
'; echo '$y='.$y; echo '
'; } with_two_paramater(1); with_two_paramater(3, 5); /* $x=1 $y=4 $x=3 $y=5 */ function with_two_paramater_false($x = 5, $y){ echo '$x='.$x; echo '
'; echo '$y='.$y; echo '
'; } with_two_paramater_false(1); with_two_paramater_false(3, 5); /* Warning: Missing argument 2 for with_two_paramater_false(), called in $x=1 Notice: Undefined variable: y in $y= $x=3 $y=5 */ function with_reference_paramater(&$x = 5){ $x++; echo '$x='.$x; echo '
'; } echo '$x='.$x; echo '
'; with_reference_paramater($x); echo '
'; echo '$x='.$x; echo '
'; /* Notice: Undefined variable: x in D:\stone\wamp\Apache24\htdocs\test.php on line 79 $x= $x=1 $x=1 */ function with_another_reference_paramater($z = 5){ $z++; echo '$z='.$z; echo '
'; } echo '$z='.$z; echo '
'; with_another_reference_paramater(&$z); // Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed; If you would like to pass argument by reference, modify the declaration of with_another_reference_paramater() echo '
'; echo '$z='.$z; echo '
'; function with_variable_paramater(...$args){ echo '
    echo '
'; foreach ($args as $key => $value) { echo '$key:'.$key.' => $value:'.$value; echo '
'; } } with_variable_paramater(1, 2, 3); /* Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 ) $key:0 => $value:1 $key:1 => $value:2 $key:2 => $value:3 */ function with_two_paramater($x, $y){ echo '$x='.$x.', $y='.$y; echo '
'; } with_two_paramater(...[1, 2]); // $x=1, $y=2 function with_type_paramater(array $a){ echo '
    echo '
'; foreach ($a as $key => $value) { echo '$key:'.$key.' => $value:'.$value; echo '
'; } } with_type_paramater([1, 2, 3]); /* Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 ) $key:0 => $value:1 $key:1 => $value:2 $key:2 => $value:3 */ // with_type_paramater(1); // Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to with_type_paramater() must be of the type array, integer given, called in // with_type_paramater(1, 2, 3); // Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to with_type_paramater() must be of the type array, integer given, called in function with_int_paramater(int $x){ return $x; } echo with_int_paramater(1); // 1 echo '
'; echo with_int_paramater(1.5); // 1 declare(strict_types=1); // Fatal error: strict_types declaration must be the very first statement in the script in echo with_int_paramater(1.5); function callable_type_function(callable $func){ $func(); } function echo_hello(){ echo 'hello'; } callable_type_function('echo_hello'); // hello callable_type_function('hello'); // Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to callable_type_function() must be callable, string given, called in function with_bool_paramater(bool $a){ var_dump($a); } with_bool_paramater(FALSE); // bool(false) echo '
'; with_bool_paramater(2); // bool(true) function with_float_paramater(float $a){ var_dump($a); } with_float_paramater(1.5); // float(1.5) echo '
'; with_float_paramater(2); // float(2) function with_float_paramater(string $a){ var_dump($a); } with_float_paramater('hello'); // string(5) "hello" echo '
'; with_float_paramater(2); // string(1) "2"
  • 函数可以没有参数。
  • 函数参数可以是任意合法的数据类型。
  • 默认情况下,函数参数通过值传递,在函数内部改变参数的值并不会改变函数外部的值。
  • 通过引用传递参数来允许函数修改它的参数值。
  • 如果想要函数的一个参数总是通过引用传递,可以在函数定义中该参数的前面加上符号&
  • 通过使用默认参数可以在函数调用时不传递参数,默认参数应该放在所有非默认参数后面,默认参数不能为变量和函数调用,默认参数也可以通过引用传递。
  • 可以通过...来为函数指定可变参数。
  • 可以指定函数参数的类型,php5.1.0开始支持arrayphp5.4.0开始支持callablephp7.0.0开始支持bool, float, int, string等。 在非严格模式下,可能的类型转换会避免使用非指定类型参数的报错,严格模式下则不会进行类型转换而直接报错,可以通过declare(strict_types=1)来开启严格模式。



function add_function($x, $y){
    return $x + $y;
echo add_function(1, 2); // 3

function add_function($x, $y): float {
    return $x + $y;
var_dump(add_function(1, 2)); // float(3) 
  • 可以指定函数的返回值类型。
  • 如果没有指定return则返回值为null



function a_function(){
    return 'a function';
$function_name = 'a_function';
$string = $function_name();
echo $string; // a function
echo '
'; echo $function_name();





function a_function($x, $y){
    return $y($x);
echo a_function(1, function($z){
    return ++$z;
}); // 2

$a_function = function(){
    return 'this is a function';
echo $a_function(); // this is a function

$hello = 'hello';
$get_variable = function(){
    return $hello;
echo $get_variable(); // Notice: Undefined variable: hello in

$get_variable = function() use ($hello){
    $hello = 'world';
    return $hello;
echo $get_variable(); // world
echo '
'; echo $hello; // hello echo '
'; $get_variable_by_reference = function() use (&$hello){ $hello = 'world'; return $hello; }; echo $get_variable_by_reference(); // world echo '
'; echo $hello; // world echo '
'; $z = 8; $get_variables_by_reference = function(&$x, $y) use (&$hello){ $x += $y; $hello = 'hello'; return $hello; }; echo $get_variables_by_reference($z, 6); // hello echo '
'; echo $hello; // hello echo '
'; echo $z; // 14
  • 匿名函数可以赋值给一个变量,然后通过这个变量来调用这个函数。
  • 匿名函数可以通过use从父作用域继承变量或按引用继承变量,在这种情况下也可以正常的使用参数。


